By: Lisa Figueroa, Kayla Cook, Labria Lanaux, Marcus Rodriguez. Period: 10
Plant Information The Mungbean/ Vigna Radiata is a little green green seed that has a white line in the middle. It is grown mostly in India and is a seed that is grown to be eaten.
Vigna Radiata Average Growth Rate - The average time for this seed to mature is weeks. The Vigna Radiata has a very short growing season. Fifteen to twenty million pounds of mungbean are consumed annually in the United states. Nearly ¼ imported.
Research Question Will the root of the Mungbean grow faster in sand or soil?
Hypothesis We predicted that the Vigna Radiata will grow faster in soil.
Materials 3 cups of sand. 3 cups of soil. Water access. A light source. 4 Vigna Radiata (Mungbean) seeds. 4 pots to germinate the seed in.
Procedures 1.) We got 4 Mungbean seeds all the same type. 2.) We put 2 seeds in about 3 cups of sand each. 3.)We buried both seed about 2cm into the sand. 4.) We put the other 2 remaining seeds in about 3 cups of soil. 5.) We buried those seeds about 2cm as well. 6.) We then poured an estimated 1 cup of water in every plant. 7.)We waited 5 days to check on our plant. 8.)After the five days have elapsed we carefully checked the germination of our seed and observed, communicated, collected data of our results.
Results Our result is that the roots grew faster in the soil than the sand just as we predicted. We think that the outcome would be as it was because of all the nutrients a seed needs that’s in the soil.
Experimental Design Our Independent Variable is our seed the Mungbean. Our Dependent Variable is the growth rate.
Discussion We accepted our Hypothesis because it turned out to be the correct conclusion. Because the Mungbean roots did grow faster in the soil than the sand.
Questions for further thought/ Discussion Our new question since we have concluded the results of the last experiment is when is the average growth rate of the Mungbean in sand. We have this question because we have observed that the germination for the Mungbean in the sand was very stagnant.
Questions for thought cont. Something we would do diffrently is that we would use our time wiser than we have been doing. Something else is asking more questions and asking for more guidance from our teacher and mentor.
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