Mission Statement The City of Hallandale Beach is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in our community in a fiscally responsible manner by providing superior services that meet the needs of our community as well as plan for their future needs through continued communication.
FY Budget Calendar & Process Annual Budget DATERESPONSIBILTYACTION REQUIRED December 18, 2013City Manager Budget kick-off meeting held and City Manager asks Department Directors to prepare the Fiscal Year 2015 budget requests. January-March 2014Department HeadsDepartments formulate budget requests March/April 2014 Citizen and Business Input Budget Awareness Town Hall Meetings and Business Survey take place to gain stakeholder input May 5-23, 2014 Assistant/Deputy City Manager Initial review of department budget requests. May 28 – June 13, 2014 City Manager, Budget Committee, Department Heads City Manager departmental budget review meetings begin. June 2014 City Manager, Budget Committee Preparation of Budget document for presentation to the Commission. June 30, 2014 City Manager, Budget Committee City Manager Recommended Budget is submitted to the City Commission. July 1, 2014BCPACertification of Taxable Value is finalized, DR420. August 2014 City Commission, City Manager, Budget Committee City Commission Budget Workshop. August 4, 2014Finance DepartmentNotify the Property Appraiser of Proposed Millage Rate. August 24,2014BCPA Notice of Proposed Tax Bill and Public Hearing Dates (TRIM Notice). September 2014 City Commission, City Manager First Public Hearing to Adopt Budget and Ad Valorem Tax Rate September 2014 City Commission, City Manager Final Public Hearing to Adopt Budget and Ad Valorem Tax Rate October 1, 2014 Implementation of the Adopted FY 2015 Budget
FY Citywide Strategic Business Plan Initiative
Strategic Priorities and Initiatives 1) Local Jobs o Small business and resident-friendly permitting, inspections, deposits and fees. o Reduced Transaction time. o Priority Utilization of local businesses and residents for contracts and subcontracts, jobs and work from developers. o Tangible community benefit for all development projects. 2) Civil and Respectful Government o Exhibit respectful and professional Behaviors. o Improve resident accessibility and engagement. 3) Quality Economic Development o Select target industries for the city. o Proactive communication with business owners and developers to ensure that the city’s interests are taken into account. o Affordable housing with variation in model design. o Application of development criteria to ensure the community’s quality of life is safeguarded. 4)Vibrant Destination o Define the City’s Brand and identity. o Update the City’s Master plan, land use plan and zoning map to provide planned development. 5)Functional/Affordable Infrastructure o Beach Renourishment o Energy-efficient Water Delivery o Sewer and Water Line Capital Improvements o Waste Water Treatment Plant Feasibility Study 6)Operational Excellence o Cross-departmental Improvement Initiatives o Review of Hiring and Promotion Practices o Enhanced Business Planning and Project Tracking System o Customer Service Training, Monitoring and Mystery Shopping
7)Safety, Security, Comfort o Implementation of enhanced policing practices to increase visibility and ensure positive interaction with residents and business owners. o Evaluate the value of a “pet friendly city” Program. o Evaluate the effectiveness of the red light traffic camera program. 8) Quality of Life and Services o Improve the City’s recycling Program. o Continued Investment in Schools. 9)Cohesive Visual Appeal o Develop and implement a “fast track” City beautification project to eliminate blight and non-compliance; to improve beach maintenance operations; and to beautify neighborhoods and main corridors: o Implementation of the “Complete Street Program” throughout the City. o Fund and Implement the approved Parks Master Plan o Utilize “One Hallandale” concept to engage residents and property owners. Strategic Priorities and Initiatives
Citizen Input The City conducted Budget Awareness Town Hall Meetings in March 2014 in preparation for the FY 15 budget Citizens were presented with the 9 strategic priorities the City Commission had adopted at their visioning workshop They were given 3 dots and were asked to select their top three priorities The results were as follows…….
2013 Results 2014 Results
Emphasis for Hallandale Beach over the next 2 years: Overall flow of traffic in the City Complete Streets Project - FY 14 $635k; additional funding over the next few fiscal years City’s efforts to prevent crime Visibility and frequency of police in neighborhoods City’s stormwater drainage system ▪ Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) ▪ NE/SE/SWover $10M ▪ 39 th Year CDBG ProjectsFY 14 $180k 2013 Citizen Survey Findings
2014 Business Survey Findings The City of Hallandale Beach has strong brand among businesses Businesses generally have very positive perception of the City Satisfaction with City services has generally improved since 2011 Traffic flow is clearly the top issue for the business community The top two reasons businesses plan to stay in Hallandale Beach are: (1) the City’s low crime low and (2) availability of competitive leasing rates Perceptions of the labor pool in the City decreased significantly
Top Three Strategic Priorities: 1)Safety, Security, Comfort Initiative Implementation of enhanced policing practices to increase visibility and ensure positive interaction with residents and business owners. Police Department has implemented “Beat the Fear” Program, which includes the following initiatives: Enhanced Bicycle Patrols in residential and business areas; Designated foot patrols at high traffic and high crime locations; Roll Calls of police shifts in public locations; Community Outreach Events; Crime Suppression operations; Enhanced police response time management; “Double Back” Program. Initiative Evaluate the effectiveness of the red light traffic camera program. On January 22, 2014 the City Commission voted to eliminate the program The termination date of the contract without penalty is in December 2014 The City is Listening to You…….
Top Three Strategic Priorities: 2)Quality of Life and Services Initiative Improve the City’s Recycling Program. Staff has researched best practices for residential and multifamily recycling education campaign. Education/Communication Plan will be implemented during 2 nd Quarter of FY14. Initiative Continued Investment in Schools. The Education Advisory Board has been conducting research on the schools and their service needs and/or gaps. Upon review of the goals and objectives, the Board has selected to perform research regarding the creation of a Kindergarten through 8 th grade Campus and the impact that such facility would have on the Hallandale Adult Community Center (HACC). During the 2 nd Quarter of FY14, a tour of the HACC and Middle School will be facilitated by staff in coordination with the schools. The City is Listening to You…….
Top Three Strategic Priorities: 3)Local Jobs The City is Listening to You……. Staff continues to evaluate regulatory processes for Building and Planning and Zoning to identify opportunities to reduce transaction time and provide flexibility to costumers. Requirements for both, CBP for Development Projects and Utilization of Local Vendor Preference have been codified in the Procurement Code.
2014 Financial Status of the City Major Fund Balances as of 09/30/13 o General Fund - $23,076,729 o Water & Sewer Funds - $19,774,256 o Sanitation Fund - $4,622,388 Planned approach to decrease the budgeted use of reserves Taxable value increases – FY 14 had a 6.93% increase (3 rd highest in Broward County) Development projects GO Bond Referendum
FY 14 Revenues by Major Revenue Source Total $95,773,043 15
FY 14 Expenditures by Major Source Total $93,371,623 16
How Much of Your Tax Bill Goes to the City? (FY 2014) Based on $180k taxable value Broward School District $1, City of Hallandale Beach $1, Broward County$1, So Broward Hospital District $72.00 So Florida Water Mgmt District $73.98 Other$94.08 Total Ad Valorem Tax Bill $3, Think about this…. According to J.D. Power & Associate the average family cell phone bill is $139/mo or $1,668 per year According to a 2011 Wall Street Journal article the average cable/satellite TV with internet and phone bill is $128/mo or $1,536 per year The average single family homeowner with a taxable value of $180k pays the City $85.25/mo or $1,023 per year for all these services and amenities………
General Fund Expense Budget by Program Where Does Your Tax Dollar Go? $.34 $.23 $.13 $.07 $.05 $.03 $.12
Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Health Care Reform Impact No increase in Fire Assessment rate No increase in Utility rates (water, sewer, sanitation, stormwater) Health Insurance premium increase Capital Improvement Projects o New and Ongoing Investment Grade Energy Audit Homestead Exemption Fraud Audit by BCPA Continued growth in the City’s taxable value o Last year the City had the 3rd highest increase in taxable value in Broward County o New Construction projects Opening of New/Upgraded Park Facilities o Scavo Park – April 2014 o BF James Pool – July 2014 o South Beach – February 2015 o North Beach – April 2015 General Obligation Bond – Parks Master Plan
Parks Master Plan General Obligation Bond Phase IPhase II Bluesten Park Ingalls Park Golden Isles Park Tennis Center Sunset Park Phase III Historic Village Sunrise Park Chaves Lake HBCRA O.B. Johnson Park (currently under deisgn) B.F. James Scavo Park (opened April 2014) South Beach Park North Beach Park Under Construction Phase II completed within 1-3 years Phase III completed within 3-6 years
Estimated Cost the Park Improvements ParksOpinion of Probable Cost Bluesten Park$ 36,453, Ingalls Park$ 1,919, Golden Isles Park$ 1,642, Golden Isles Tennis Ctr.$ 7,170, Sunset Park$ 553, Historic Village$ 580, Sunrise Park$ 2,708, Chaves Lake$ 3,632,474.10
The avg. taxable value of a single family home in the City is $176,558 = annual impact to the average resident will be $ The average taxable value of a condominium in the City is $149,230 = annual impact to the average resident will be $ Maximum Annual Cost Per $100,000 of Taxable Value Avg. Single Family Home $162.44/yr. Monthly: $13.50 Daily: $0.44 How does this compare? Starbuck Cup of Reg. Coffee: $1.75 Avg. Gym Membership: $35.00/mo or $420/yr Taxable Value Est. Max. Annual Rate $ 100, $ $ 200, $ $ 300, $