Citizen Survey Hampton City Council July 8, 2009
Slide 2 Purpose Discuss Citizen Survey option/product offering from ICMA
Slide 3 Background We currently employ the services of Continental Research to conduct a bi-annual survey of citizen attitudes and demographics Linked to performance reward (day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve) Approximately $22,000 each survey Phone based (300 responses) Provided detailed data/reports
Slide 4 Why Change? Get a second opinion Improved metrics Opportunity to benchmark Potentially lower cost ICMA partnership Take lead in galvanizing region into improved analysis
Slide 5 The Big Picture
Slide 6 Other State and Regional Efforts VA Performs HR Performs
Slide 7 ICMA Offering Uses NRC Database (about 500 jurisdictions included) Benchmark comparison 1200 households in initial random sample 25%-40% response rate (400 is target) No charge for extending if necessary
Slide 8 Cost Basic Service $9, Phone collection surveys instead of mail = $6,000 additional Other options: Geographic cross tabs Prior year comparisons Custom benchmarking to regions Demographic crosstabs Expanded mailing Open-ended questions On-site presentation of results
Slide 9 Continental Process Pre-testing questionnaire Screen for adult head of household, over 18, eliminate businesses No city employees Randomly selected households (includes unlisted) Seven interviewers Call conducted 5:15pm-9:15pm M-R and 4PM-9pm on Sunday
Slide 10 ICMA Process Lists randomly generated from zip codes Geo-coding possible based on pre- determined boundaries 1 st week: mail out a postcard (from mayor) letting residents know to expect survey and look for it 2 nd week: survey mailed 3 rd week: survey follow-up
Slide 11 ICMA Options Mail vs. Phone Phone surveys annoy residents Phone response rates falling New demographic doesn’t have land line Phone effective for low-literacy No difference regarding “self-selection” Phone surveys harder to geo-code Mail surveys elicit more candid responses – citizens have to time and privacy to reflect on the questions
Slide 12 NRC Method Comparison
Slide 13 What We Might Lose Comparative Analysis of Current Survey: City employee? Hampton Coliseum 311 Call Center Parenting programs, classes and resources Permit process Access to Internet Youth sports City Page TV47 Military demographic What city you work in Highest level of education We can customize to an extent
Slide 14 What We Might Gain Benchmarking 2 nd Opinion Improved metrics Opportunity to network with other participants Leadership role in defining success for local governments
Slide 15 Comparative Analysis of New Survey: Hampton as a place to live As a place to raise children As a place to work As a place to retire Sense of community Cleanliness Variety of housing options Quality of business and service establishments Shopping opportunities Recreational, employment, educational opportunities Opportunities to volunteer Ease of bus travel/Bicycle travel/Walking Public Parking Affordable housing Child care Quality food Overall image of Hampton Job growth Feelings about safety Attend meetings/watched on cable TV Read Hampton newsletter Street lighting Snow removal Sidewalk maintenance Bus service Storm drainage Drinking water Sewer services Power utility Land Use, planning & zoning Code enforcement Animal control Economic development Cable television Emergency preparedness Preservation of natural areas How often do you commute? How often and how far? Did you vote in the last election? Would you recommend living in Hampton? Will you remain in Hampton next 5 years?
Slide 16 Recommendation Pilot this fall Develop our customized questions Do not link results to employee performance rewards Use Basic Service + geographic crosstabs Determine whether to continue with ICMA program