ENDOCRINE SYSTEM By Laura Verjan and Monique Llamas Period 3
What is the Endocrine System The system of glands that has different hormones which will help maintain homeostasis maintain homeostasis -Glands chooses and removes materials from blood. They process them and secretes the finished project to be used somewhere in the body Helps produce, store, and secrete hormonesHelps produce, store, and secrete hormones How does it work? Each gland has different hormones. It gets released into the bloodstream and it will go to a specific part of the body. A bloodstream and it will go to a specific part of the body. A message is sent to the area when the hormone arrives.
Structure The endocrine system is made up of many glands and organs to create hormones for the body. Hormones are various chemicals released by cells that affect cells in different parts of an organism. The organs/glands that are involved in the endocrine system are: -Hypothalamus -Pituitary gland -Pineal gland -Thyroid gland -Parathyroid gland -Adrenal -Pancreas -Ovaries (female) -Testicles (male)
Functions Hypothalamus –located on the brain and is connected to the Pituitary Gland ►Anti-diuretic hormone - controls water balance and blood pressure ►Oxytocin - stimulates uterine contractions during labor and milk secretion during breast feeding Pituitary Gland (the ‘master’ gland)- located on the base of the brain and is about the size of a pea (~5 grams) ► Adrenocorticotropic hormone - helps the adrenal glands to function which releases steroid hormones ► Growth hormone -regulates growth, metabolism, and body composition ► Luteinising hormone and follicle stimulating hormone – stimulate sex hormone production and egg/sperm maturity ► Thyroid Stimulating hormone - stimulates the thyroid gland to secrete thyroid hormones
Pineal Gland- situated deep in the brain where the two halves of the brain meet (epithalamus) ►Melatonin hormone - used to study the human’s body biological time Thyroid Gland- located at the front of the neck below the Adam’s apple ►Thyroxine – prohormone and 20% of the triiodothyronine (the active hormone) ►Calcitonin – helps reduce calcium levels in the blood Parathyroid Gland – located in the neck behind the thyroid gland ►Parathyroid – helps regulate calcium levels by increasing the levels when it is too low Thymus Gland – located in the upper part of our chest ►Lymphocytes – White blood cell that helps fight diseases and infections in the body Adrenal Gland- two adrenal glands, one sits on the kidney ►Catecholamines – ‘stress’ hormones ►Aldosterone – maintain the body’s salt and water level ►Cortisol – helps regulate the body’s metabolism ►Androgens – creating the differences between a female and male
Pancreas – situated alonside the stomach and is about six inches long ►Insulin- lower blood glucose levels and storage of glucose in fat, muscle, liver, and other body tissues Ovaries – part of the female reproductive system and lies on either side of the uterus ►Estrogen - promotes development of secondary sex characteristics ►Progesterone – helps prepare the lining of the uterus Testes – lies behind the penis in a pouch of skin called the scrotum ►Testosterone – promotes development of male’s characteristics
Gigantism Gigantism occurs because of a hormone imbalance. Hormone imbalance- endocrine gland makes too much or too little of an endocrine hormone When the pituitary gland makes too much growth hormone, a child’s body may grow unusually fast. Treatment Sex hormone therapy, such as estrogen and testosterone, which may restrain the growth of elongated bones.
Quiz time 1)What is known as the ‘master’ gland? A] Thyroid Gland B] Pineal Gland C] Adrenal Gland D] Pituitary Gland 2) Which is not a part of the endocrine system? A] Parathyroid Gland B] Appendix C] Hypothalamus D] Thymus Gland 3) A chemical that is secreted by an endocrine gland and carried in the blood to a target organ to perform a particular function is the…. A] Hormone B] Thyroid C] Steroid D] Estrogen 4) The pancreas secretes which of the following A] Growth Hormone B] Melatonin C] Estrogen D] Insulin
5) The following picture 12.1 shows what organ A] Thyroid gland B] Pancreas C] Pineal Gland D] Testes Picture ) Where are the major endocrine glands located? A] toes, head, shoulders B] Head, neck, spleen C] Bladder, Appendix, neck D] brain, neck, abdomen 7) The _______ is responsible for water balance. A] Lymphocytes B] Anti-Diuretic C] Estrogen D] Insulin 8) The hormone in the _____ gland is used to study the body’s biological time. A] Pineal B] Thymus C] ParathyroidD] Adrenal 9) Does the pea-sized gland carry the growth hormone? A] True B] False 10) Calcitonin is a hormone of the _________ A] Parathyroid GlandB] Pituitary Gland C] Thyroid GlandD] Pancreas
The End
Bibliography Whitehead, Saffron. "You & Your Hormones." You & Your Hormones. Society for Endocrinology, n.d. Web. 12 May Bozemanbiology. “The Endocrine System.” Youtube Diabetes.webmd.com/endocrine-system-disorders Biology Book Page 975 and Pages