Collaborative Research in Pharmacy – a Practitioner’s View Tamasine Grimes, PhD, MPSI Associate Professor in Practice of Pharmacy Trinity College Dublin and Tallaght
Medicines Management is Everybody’s Business!
Patient Hospital GP Public health nurse Community Pharmacy Carers
Some background Medicines Management Hospital Pharmacy Transitions of care Medication safety Medication reconciliation The journey
Main finding: Risk of medication error at hospital discharge Key lessons: The story begins at admission! Focus on patients with higher medication burden Reduce transcription burden Consider information management
Proven Market Impact of TEAMS GP Hospital Pharmacy GP Practice Management System Healthlink Community Pharmacy Source: WHO Growth chart
Key findings: Risk of medication error at hospital admission Contribution of clinical pharmacist to patient safety Key lessons: Greater potential for error with medications used to manage conditions other than the presenting complaint Value of personal communication & collaboration Importance of structured approach
Collaborative P h a rmaceutical C are at T allaght Hospital TALLAGHT HOSPITAL
Grimes T et al (2014) BMJ Qual Saf doi: /bmjqs
78% ↓ number of patients experiencing 1+ drug error 0% potentially serious error vs 6% standard care Improved quality of prescribing
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Policy context in Ireland
Opportunities in Dissemination Community of Enquiry Create a coalition for change Develop collaborations Promote patient safety culture Develop the evidence base Advance the scope of practice
Acknowledgements Academic and practice colleagues Ann Allen, Vanesha Bhagwan, John Barragry, Kathleen Bennett, Fiona Boland, Niall Breslin, Sharon Byrne, Evelyn Deasy, Tim Delaney, Tom Fahey, Michelle Fitzsimons, Mairead Galvin, Jennifer Hayde, Carmel Hughes, Marie-Claire Jago- Byrne, Ciara Kirke, Gráinne Kirwan, Ronan McDonnell, Ciara McManamly, Eddie Moloney, John O’Byrne, Aisling O’Leary, Patrick Redmond, Cathal Walsh, Catherine Wall.... And many more
Collaborative Research in Pharmacy – a Practitioner’s View Tamasine Grimes, PhD, MPSI Associate Professor in Practice of Pharmacy Trinity College Dublin and Tallaght