Returning to God’s Heart Jeremiah 3:6 — 4:4. “Faithless Israel” –Broke her covenant promises to God. –The real danger of sin is experiencing the consequences.


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Presentation transcript:

Returning to God’s Heart Jeremiah 3:6 — 4:4

“Faithless Israel” –Broke her covenant promises to God. –The real danger of sin is experiencing the consequences of our choices. God Confronts Judah –Judah learned nothing from Israel’s fate. –Previous reforms were false, or only superficial and temporary

God’s Vision of a Future –God calls his people to “Return” –God’s mercy and desire for relationship overrides everything else. –Two Conditions for Returning to God Confess your sin and guilt Put away your detestable idols –Benefits of Returning to God Good and godly leaders Well-being for everyone God’s own presence among his united people

The Reality of Unfaithful People –People continue to be unfaithful –People can recognize their guilt and shame, but still not make a wholehearted commitment to God. –Real, radical, and lasting commitment to God is costly and not easy.

Return to God before it is too late –God persists in calling people to return –Marks of a long-lasting relationship Truthfulness, justice, and righteousness are marks of a covenant people Circumcision of the heart: commit one’s will to God. –Returning to God will allow his people to be a blessing to the entire world –Failure to return to God will ultimately lead to destruction

Responding to God’s call to Return –No matter what you have done, God calls, “Return to Me.” –Returning to God requires: Admitting we have ignored, disobeyed, or abandoned God Turning away from whatever we have “worshipped” Making a willful decision to be faithful to God Living as one of God’s people –Returning to God will result in: Being a blessing to others Lasting peace and real life, not destruction.