2. SEEKING STEPS QUESTION 3 – Is Jesus satisfying? We will give someone a can of drink. How long will they not be thirsty for? How long until they die from dehydration? John 4:13&14 Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give will never be thirsty. The water I give will become a spring of water gushing up inside that person, giving eternal life.” (NCV) What do you think that verse means? QUESTION 4 – How should I check out God? If you are at seeking steps (curious about him), here are some things you can do: 1. READ about him from the Bible – if you take this study to Arnie at the end of the night, he will give you something that you can read every day for the next 3 months. It is a booklet and has a bit of the Bible and then some stuff to explain it. It cost the church $1 each, so I’d grab one off him if I was you and then you can read a bit about God every day! 2. ASK questions – ask your Max leader or someone you think is on to it about God What question do you have about God that you would like answered? 3. PRAY – every day! You can pray anytime, as often as you like – ask God questions too and then listen to your heart and see if you get any answers – or answers from some where else. 4. CHOOSE – wisely! Think about what is right and wrong. God has given you a conscience – don’t be afraid to use it! Choose your mates wisely – hang with mates that bring out the best in you, not the worst! 5. GO – to youth group, church, wherever to find out more about God. Check out Christian radio stations (Life fm 99.8) – do a sponge impersonation!! Checking out God it is the best thing you can do in the world!! I’ve done it & love it! You will too. What is one thing you are going to do to check out God more? Pray now and ask God to help you as you check him out!
1. BEGINNING STEPS 4. FOLLOWING STEPS 3. TURNING STEPS 2. SEEKING STEPS 5. SERVING STEPS GOD THE CROWD 1. Beginning Steps are when you are just checking out God, but aren’t too interested in the whole thing. 2. Seeking Steps are when you decide - yeah, maybe I will check out God a bit more. 3. Turning Steps are when you make a decision to follow God. 4. Following Steps are when you actually start doing that - doing what God wants, not what you want. 5. Serving Steps are when you live your life as much as you can for Him, and for other people. YOU ARE HERE – Seeking steps! That means you are have heard about God stuff but want to check it out a bit more. What reasons do you have for thinking that God is real? QUESTION 1 – Is God real? This study – who do you think made it? The clothes you are wearing who made them? This building – who made it? When we look at something, we can tell straight away if it has been designed or just happened by accident. How can you tell if something is designed? But you can’t see God, right? How can you believe in someone you can’t see and haven’t met? Good question. But then again, you told us that a builder built this building, yet I bet you haven’t ever met him (or her!) You see, you know that a builder built this because it is a – wait for it – a building! The same thing with God – you can know he made the universe because it is designed (not an accident) and because no one else could make it but God! We can look around and KNOW that God is real by what is around us. You can believe in God as easily as you believe in the wind. Can you see the wind? No. Can you see the effects of the wind? Yes! Can you see God? No. Can you see the effects of God? Yes! One effect God has on people is that he changes their life and makes them different. Can you name someone you know that is different because of what God has done in their lives? QUESTION 2 – What is satisfying? You try and do a new move on your skateboard – you learn it, it feels cool, but then you get bored. You wanna get a new pair of jeans you’ve seen, you finally talk Mum into it, they feel cool, but then you get bored with them and they get chucked in the wardrobe. Stuff isn’t satisfying. There’s a verse in the Bible that says “What will you gain if you own the whole world, but destroy…your soul?” What do you think that verse means? You see, you have got something that is unsatisfied. You were designed to have a friendship with God. If you haven’t got that, it is like you are missing something – a jigsaw with a piece missing or a thirsty dying person with a long way to the nearest e 2 shop! You will not be satisfied in life without God! There has to be something better “things” – something worth living for – something to make this life worthwhile!