I Kgs. 18:1-19 #4 Elijah, Mountain Prophet Series GOD’S TESTS: FACE TO FACE WITH DEFIANCE WHO’S TO BLAME?
When you are tested with tough people and tough times, you can pass the test. There are three men who are tested in this story. Let’s examine each of their situations. FACE TO FACE WITH DEFIANCE - “WHO’S TO BLAME”– I KGS. 18:1-19
He was asked by God to: Shut Up – He was well-hidden, well-fed, and well- known. Show Up – This would have been difficult to do, but he did it. Speak Up – When confronted by Ahab, he confronted Ahab. People don’t want to hear what the real problem is, especially if the problem is their own sin. We have a deaf ear and a blind eye to our own problems. Matthew 7:1-6: The Beam vs. The Mote ELIJAH
He was asked by Elijah to tell Ahab that he had found Elijah. Obadiah faced a real problem. He was a man of faith, but was now asked to demonstrate it in a difficult way. You have done well in your private life, but now it’s time to step out in the public eye and trust God. OBADIAH
He was asked to hear God’s truth and respond to it. Ahab, You need to realize that: You are morally and spiritually wrong. You are not really in control of your kingdom. You must personally repent. Change sides. Change direction. Change attitudes – Pride vs. Humility Your friends, relatives, and business partners will not like your new commitment. You are responsible to lead your people toward real and lasting revival. See Psalms 32,34,38 AHAB
Learn, learn Elijah’s Story Watch him serve the Lord. Learn, learn Elijah’s Story He feared not the sword. Boldly he spoke to Ahab, Turned and walked away. We learned Elijah’s Story Stand for God today. ELIJAH’S STORY 1 ST VERSE
Learn, learn Elijah’s Story Bird food from the sky. Learn, learn Elijah’s Story Cherith did run dry. Even then the Lord sustained him With the widow’s food. We learned Elijah’s Story God is good. ELIJAH’S STORY 2 ND VERSE
Learn, Learn Elijah’s Story The Widow’s son is dead. Learn, Learn Elijah’s Story He laid him on his bed. Prayers rose to God in heaven, Trusting in His power. We Learned Elijah’s Story Life returned that hour. ELIJAH’S STORY 3 RD VERSE