| 1 EBSCOadmin EBSCO Support EDS Wiki Renata Wlodarczyk | EBSCO
| 2 SERVICES HELPING LIBRARIANS in their daily work, communication with library users and colleagues EBSCOadminEDS WikiEBSCO Support Practical tool that enables to manage and control access to the resources available on EBSCOhost and EBSCO Discovery Service as well as access usage reports for EBSCO products. Easy to use service that answers questions and provides detailed support regarding EBSCO’s products and services e.g how to find answers to technical issues on your own, user guides, help sheets etc. Community portal for EBSCO Discovery Service customers that provides a forum for customers to share, or collaborate, with each other on their EDS implementations, learn about EDS updates
| 3 EBSCOadmin Practical tool that enables to manage and control access to the resources available on EBSCOhost and EBSCO Discovery Service (change the databases order, add new IP addresses, User IDs and passwords ) as well as access usage reports for EBSCO products and other settings.
| 4 The most popular options in EBSCOadmin Add/remove IP addresses Add/remove User ID and password Change of databases order −EBSCOhost platform −EBSCO Discovery Services Create databases usage report
| 5 Login to EBSCOadmin, main interface look Fill in your User ID and Password and click on Login button on page
| 6 Look of main page
| 7 We are now in Databases section and we choose EDS profie In case you want to have some database(s) added to EBSCOhost or EDS choose On option in Enable All area. If you want to remove choose Off option
| 8 Databases can be ordered alphabetically or you have the possibility to make your own order by changing the numbers. After that click on Submit button.
| 9 You can find there User ID assword for searching databases on EBSCOhost or EDS platform for all groups registered under the account. We are now in User ID/Password section.
| 10 How To Create Cust ID and Password for New User 1. Click on Add New User link.
| User ID and Password for new group was successfully created. 2. Fill in User ID and Password fields for selected group. After that click on Submit button.
| 12 How To Add or Remove IP Addresses We are now in IP Address section.
| Click on Add IP Address link.
| Add IP address and after that click on Submit button.
| Enter the newly registered IP address into the Browse for field and check, if it was really entered into the system. Important note: when you register , it means that you register one single IP address ( ). When you register , it means that you register the whole range of IP addresses ( ).
| 16 Remove IP address by clicking on X Box and then confirm with OK
| 17 Sometimes it can happen that you will receive this kind of message written in red. It means that this IP address is assigned under another account in EBSCOadmin. Please notify us at
| 18 Standard Reports How To Create Databases Usage Report
| 19 The Session report is on by default. Selecting another report option will dynamically repaint the contents of the page.
| 20
| 21
| 22 When click on E- mail Report button, you can e- mail the report.
| 23
| 24 When click on Schedule Report button, you can set up your requirements for the report, which you will receive.
| 25
| 26 Please use Help section to find the answer to your question.
| 27 EBSCO Support Easy to use service that answers questions and provides detailed support regarding EBSCO’s products and services e.g how to find answers to technical issues on your own, instructive Flash tutorials, user guides, help sheets, product & service updates, customer communication archives and more.
| 28 How Many Ways to Get to EBSCO Support Site 1.Go directly to EBSCO Support Site ( 2.After the click on EBSCO Support Site link in EBSCOhost
| 29 How Many Ways to Get to EBSCO Support Site 3.After the click on EBSCO Support Site link in EBSCOadmin 4.After the click on Support & Training link in EBSCOadmin
| 30 Main page look Key sections on EBSCO Support Site Link to different support pages related to specific EBSCO products
| 31 Click on the International Resources option. This is the space where promotional materials in local languages are placed to be available for our users.
| 32
| Videos or… 2. PowerPoint presentations…
| 34 EBSCO YOUTUBE CHANELL Provides information on EBSCO products, servises, updates for researchers at every level
| 35 EBSCO SUPPORT YOUTUBE CHANELL On this page you will find tutorials to help you learn about the key features of EBSCO's products.
| 36 EDS Wiki Community portal for EBSCO Discovery Service customers that provides a forum for customers to collaborate with each other on their EDS implementations, offers best practices, code examples, documentation, and more for implementing, customizing or integrating EDS.
| 37 EDS WIKI provides information on Apps (YouTube, Ask-A-Librarian, etc.) Administration (information for administrators) Catalogs & IRs (on integration of EDS with library catalog or IR holdings ) EDS News API (EDS Application Programming Interface Documentation) API Demos & Samples Content & Searching Customer Success Center
| 38 Content & Searching information on EDS content, including Partner Database information, as well as information and tip on searching EDS.
| 39 List of databases from EDS Partner available for EDS customers. EDS administrator can add /remove databases in EBSCOadmin
| 40
| 41 Click on the Browse examples of EDS implementation to see live EDS implementation in other libraries
| 42 In order to request an EDS Wiki account EDS customers should go to Once the account is set up, which may take up to 48 hours, they can log in, explore the site, and share your knowledge.
| 43 THANK YOU Renata Wlodarczyk | EBSCO