Changing Policies to Increase Funding for Community Health and Development Initiatives
What do we mean by "policies"? Public policies: Laws or regulations that are enacted at local, state, or federal level. Policies governing private giving: Donation guidelines developed by private organizations that might influence yours.
Why should you try to change policies? To offer decision-makers the expertise they need To be an active participant in democracy To gain respect for your organization
How do you change policies to increase funding for initiatives?
1. Research Learn who supports your organization Decide target corporations, policies and individuals Understand how the target organization's policies are changed Understand the laws that will affect your work Review the relationship between your organizations Get to know the staff of the persons you wish to influence Find allies in your cause
2. Preparation Gear up your advocacy work Take stock of your human resources Make sure everyone understands your work Develop a clear, agreed-upon definition for your organization. Develop useful data Increase your visibility
3. Execution Develop an action plan with measurable goals and objectives. Build relationships with the people you wish to influence. Become a source of reliable information. If you are working to influence legislators, build a public policy presence. Initiate grassroots support. Give credit when credit is due
4. Maintenance How much lobbying can you do? A lot for informal organizations with no legal status Lobbying must be "insubstantial" for 501(c)(3) organizations Restrictions are more lenient for 501(c)(4) organization