The Spread of Islam
Key Notes Main religion by 10 th c. During Uthman’s reign, Muslim envoy reached Chinese palace Stretching from the Pyrenees and Siberia, to China and New Guinea; covering 2/3’s of Africa
Expansion of Islam Unified contending clans Persians and Byzantines were exhausted by recurrent wars Arabs able to make and hold conquests Arabs could not govern all areas conquered Expanded most rapidly in period following Muhammad’s death in 632
Islamic Conquest of Spain Arabs brought in by rebels to expel newly throwned King Arabs defeated King and took over Iberia Established a community, but lacked a central control Local policy determined by the settlers
Conquest of Spain cont’d CORDOBA Muslim Spain was urbanized Caliphate tolerated religious communities Spain became staging area for raids into by Frankish kingdom
Islamic Economy Embraced numerous economic systems Maritime commerce in Mediterranean provided until 16 th c. Commercial exchange stimulated agriculture within the Arabic world Trade prompted better craftsmanship
Islamic Society Greatly improved communications through use of universal language, Arabic Islamic law favored commerce Vigorous urban life concentrated in Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo, and Cordoba Islam recognized no distinction between church and state
Technology Progress by borrowing from China, India, and Byzantium Improved on fortress building Served as conduit to the West by introducing inventions from China
Decline of Medieval Islamic Civilization Growing military weakness by 11 th c. In West, Christian armies embarked on reconquest of Iberian Peninsula In East, Turkish nomads took over Abbasid caliphate In 1055 Turks seized Baghdad Arab economic base changing