Case Study #7 Environmental Sustainability & Garbage Island
Outline What is “Garbage Island?” What is “sustainability?” Is environmental sustainability the same thing as economic sustainability? Climate change & global warming Environmental Legislation Debate!
Vancouver Island
Garbage Island….
Group Discussion How has globalization helped to create Garbage Island? How could Garbage Island affect Edmonton?
“Sustainable Prosperity”: Meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
So what does Garbage Island have to do with sustainability?? Course Question: To what extent does globalization contribute to sustainable prosperity for all people??
Group Discussion: What is your definition of “sustainability?” (REMEMBER! Different stakeholders will have different definitions…) Unit Q: To what extent does globalization??
Class Discussion: What are the links between economic sustainability & environmental sustainability? U + Q: To what extent does globalization??
Meet Boyan Slat How to fix the ocean…..
What’s it all about??? Climate Change & Global Warming
What have YOU heard about climate change and global warming? Climate Change & Global Warming
We recycle! We’re doing our part! So, why is this global warming thing still around? Climate Change & Global Warming
How do global warming and climate change affect Canada?? Affect you??
BUT! Countries don’t all contribute the same amount of pollution to climate change and global warming…
Legislation: Laws Environmental Legislation: Laws to do with the environment Why would this be tricky….? Think about globalization and the environment…. The two major subjects: (1) Pollution control & cleanup (2) Resource conservation and management Environmental Legislation
Activity! Investigate the following pieces of environmental legislation and answer the following: Who supports them - why? Who does not support them - why? Kyoto Protocol (pp. 272) Alberta Tar Sands (pp. 273) Instituting Alternative Energy Sources (pp. 274) Copenhagen 2009… Let’s discuss. Environmental taxes… Let’s discuss. Environmental Legislation
Topic: Should the government create laws to enforce environmental sustainability? Debate!
Structure: 100% participation – I want to hear from every student Side A presents its arguments Side B presents its arguments Side A rebuts Side B rebuts Side A closing statements Side B closing statements Debate!
Reflection: Which arguments did you find most convincing? Why? Which argument did you find least convincing? Why? What could have been done to make non- convincing arguments more convincing? What would you do the same/differently the next time? Why? Debate!