AIRPORT KIELCE information for investors 1
2 EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE in Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship airport Masłów by Kielce - civil airport reference code 1B, for general aviation purposes, small airplanes and gliders landing and starting - for the reason of land formation further extension of this airport is not possible - this Airport should stay operable for general aviation, sport and training activities
3 ACCESS TO POLISH AIRPORTS - 60, 90 and 120 min. Today the nearest airports to Kielce are: Central Airport Warszawa- Okęcie – distance from Kielce about 175 km; Airport Kraków-Balice – distance from Kielce about 130 km; Airport Katowice-Pyrzowice – distance from Kielce about 145 km; Airport Rzeszów-Jasionka – distance from Kielce about 160 km; Airport Lódź - Lublinek – distance from Kielce about 140 km Kielce are not in any of 100- km airport areas, the nearest airport– about 130 km distant – Kraków- – Balice, requires minimum 3 hours drive Source: ”Development of the polish airport net.”
4 LOCATION OF THE PROJECTED AIPORT Project will be executed in the area of 2 communities: Obice, community Morawica and Grabowiec, community Chmielnik.
6 AIPORT KIELCE – detailed location
7 Location 25 km distance from the centre of Kielce, Obice - community Morawica and Grabowiec – community Chmielnik Airport category4D, regional airport Areaabout 500 ha Runway2800 m (I stage) Basic objects: o terminal o airport apron o cargo zone o service zone o general aviation zone o support and infrastructure zone o parking o trade zone o green areas FinancingKielce City State budget private capital PROJECT OVERVIEW
9 CARGO KIELCE– POSSIBILITIES OF CHOOSEN LOCATION Convenient conditions for location of Cargo in projected Airport Kielce 24 hour/day, 7days/week accessibility High operational coefficient as an result of friendly climatic and weather condition Central location in Poland Convenient road and railway connection Close neighborhood of „wide track railroad” connected with Russian and Ukrainian railroad network Kielce Regional Airport with modern Cargo terminal will be an answer for demand of growing market
10 AIRPORT COMMUNICATION PLAN Scheme of existing and planned road and railway connections for Airport Kielce
11 CONNECTIONS WITH STATE ROAD SYSTEM Nr E77 Warszawa – Kielce – Kraków – Zakopane Nr 73 Kielce – Busko-Zdrój – Tarnów – Rzeszów Nr 78 Chmielnik – Jędrzejów – Katowice
12 RAILWAYS NEIGHBORHOOD Kielce – Busko Zdrój – Staszów railroad is located in closest neighborhood 5 km south from the airport “ the wide railway track” is located.
13 AIRPORT COMMUNICATION WITH EUROPE - distances to the borders
AREA MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR AIRPORT KIELCE Totally Plan covers about ha The airport area itself – 445 ha 17
18 PROJECT ADVANCEMENT Executed works: The airport location analyze Airport future impact on city of Kielce and region economy Airport railway connection with the city and region - analyze Road connection of the airport Kielce - study Public opinion research for the idea of airport Kielce construction Environmental water report – River Morawka Geological and soil research in the area of projected airport Kielce weather conditions analyze for airport Kielce area
19 feasibility study general plan of the airport costs and benefits analysis initial concept plan of the airport environmental report market estimation optimization of landlevelling works description of physiographic conditions for airport area water supply for airport Kielce existing air traffic obstacles plan air traffic organization plan for Kielce airport in Obice PROJECT ADVANCEMENT (continued)
20 PREPARATION WORKS AND PROJECT EXECUTION 2008 appointment of the company responsible for project execution concept designing and building permit designing start for landlevelling works 2009 master development plan obtaining environmental decision elaboration of application for civil aviation office decision building permit designing for execution of stage „I” – landlevelling works landlevelling building permission and start of works 2010 continuation of landlevelling building permit designing for objects and airport infrastructure 2011 start of buildings construction 2014 investment reception, certification
21 CATCHMENT AREAS OF KIELCE AIRPORT - number of inhabitants
CITY AND REGION INDUSTRIAL TRADITION: Kielce industrial and trade tradition lasts for centuries. The City is located within the Old Polish Industry District – later Central Industrial District. Region economy is based on construction materials production, Kielce are also metallurgical and machine industry region. 22
SCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT OF THE REGION : Over of Polish and foreign students take courses in Kielce Kielce University of Technology The University has four faculties: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Automatics and Computer Science, Mechatronics and Machine Building, Management and Computer Modelling. On the basis of bilateral agreements, the Kielce University of Technology co- operates in research and teaching with 34 foreign institutions. The University researchers receive academic degrees in many of those institutions and students can take their courses in 21 foreign academic centers Research is conducted in accordance with statutory tasks, but also covers areas of interest of individual researchers, contracts with domestic and foreign companies, or results from the University's participation in a variety of projects and international programs 23
University of Jan Kochanowski University of Jan Kochanowski belongs nowadays to the biggest academies in the country. The University educate the future personnel at Humanistic, Mathematic – Health, Pedagogic, Administration a. Business faculties At 5 faculties and Piotrkow Trybunalski Branch, take courses students and 1000 postgraduate auditors The University executes it’s own and promoter’s research projects but also projects for Ministry of Education and union funds ( belongs to Socrates / Erasmus association) SCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT OF THE REGION :(continued): 24
TRADE FAIRS KIELCE the city visit card are Trade Fairs Kielce, second in the country trade centre, place of business meetings, visited by polish and foreign businessmen trade fairs development impacts at region economic situation high quality service is confirmed by membership in international trade organizations like: UFI and CENTREX trade fairs Kielce awarded prizes : Polish Business Leader, Diamond to Gold 25 Statue of Polish Business Leader, first place by FORBES Magazine and others
26 USED DOCUMENTS: Airport impact on Kielce City and Świętokrzyski Region economy - WYG International Sp. z o.o. Warszawa Airport railway communication with the city and region - Adam Mołdawski, Świętokrzyski Zakład Przewozów Regionalnych Road acces for airport Kielce – City Hall Kielce Pre-design studies and investment analysis for airport Kielce - Ove Arup & Partners Poland Sp. z o.o Warszawa, : -feasibility study -general plan for the airport -costs and benefits analysis -pre-design program studies by City Hall Kielce
25 – 405 Kielce, Szermentowski Street 5 tel. / fax For more information please contact: 27