Annual Member Agency Orientation
Today you will gain an understanding of: General Guidelines, Policies & Procedures and important information for doing business with Island Harvest Food Bank Importance of assessing clients holistically Overview of Food Safety Guidelines Civil Rights
To end hunger and reduce food waste on Long Island Mission Statement Largest domestic hunger relief organization in the US. Network of more than 200 food banks. As a Member Agency, YOU are a part of the Feeding America network!
History Island Harvest was created by Linda Breitstone in 1992, with the strong desire to help people in need. Island Harvest has distributed approximately 8½ million pounds of food in 2014 We work with more than 5,000 registered volunteers to pick up and deliver donated food, supplies and support to approximately 570 non-profit agencies and programs across Long Island.
Island Harvest Food Bank Programs
Island Harvest Food Bank recognizes that our member agencies work hard to help their communities, this is why we are committed to: Seeking new sources of food and grocery products Providing a greater quantity and broader variety of food Continually improving our procedures Improving efficiency and convenience of distribution, reporting, and communication to member agencies Providing training and tools that help the member agencies fulfill their mission. Developing programs that enhance our member agencies’ work, i.e. Food Stamps and Nutrition Education Island Harvest Food Bank’s Commitment to You
We are committed to building a strong network of non-profit member agencies which is why: Feeding America, IRS and Island Harvest Food Bank policies & procedures are strictly enforced New member agencies must complete an application, attend training and be inspected Continuing member agencies must attend training and be monitored/inspected annually by Island Harvest Food Bank staff Both Island Harvest Food Bank and its member agencies will participate in disaster preparedness training & respond during times of disaster Together we will protect the integrity of the donated product that has been entrusted to us for the use of serving people who are ill, needy and infant (children) Island Harvest Food Bank’s Commitment to You
Island Harvest understands that food is only part of the solution. As service providers, it is important that we offer referrals for services that will support clients in moving from uncertainty to instability. Most clients are struggling with problems related to housing, health, or employment, in addition to food insecurity. Having familiarity with the local resources in your community will make the conversations easier. Collaborating with Clients- Helping the Whole Person
Food – Do you have SNAP/ food stamps? – Do you know of other emergency food programs in the area? Employment – Are you currently working? Are you looking for employment? Have you worked recently? Would you like more training/ education? Health – Do you have health insurance? – Do you know where to get medical health? – Do you have a primary care physician? Do you need referrals for physical or mental health treatment? Do you need referrals for drug/ alcohol treatment? Housing – Is your housing secure? – Are you looking for a new home? Collaborating with Clients
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Member agencies must do their part to promote the SNAP program. You must designate 1 person as a SNAP Coordinator. (see page 14 of Member Agency policy manual for more information) SNAP (Food Stamp) Outreach
Donated: Local: (Stop and Shop, Waldbaum’s, Target) Local/National : (Panera, Olive Garden, Taco Bell) CHOICE: Feeding America Food Drives: Store Front. Corporate, and Individual Long Island Farmer’s Purchased: HPNAP Wakefern Obtaining Food and Product
Product is put into inventory or delivered to our Member Agencies Trucks deliver donations to Island Harvest Food Bank Member Agencies pick up the food and product from our distribution sites Member Agencies provide food to clients in need Food Banking – How It Works
Becoming A Member Agency In order to gain and maintain membership within our Network, each member agency must meet minimum requirements as set out by Feeding America, IRS, and Island Harvest Food Bank leadership. The member agency understands that the food is intended for distribution to people who are ill needy or infant The member agency must adhere to all requirements under IRS Code 170(e)(3)
Applicants must be a 501(c)(3), be affiliated with a 501(c)(3), or a 501(c)(3) charter (churches). Types of partnerships include but are not limited to: Emergency or non-emergency food pantry Meal Preparation Site Snack program (New applications may be required for some current members) Becoming A Member Agency
New Member Agencies must: First show three months emergency distribution experience (Food Pantry only) Complete an application/outline Submit to Island Harvest along with copy of 501(c)(3), Letter of Agreement, FEMA’s ICS-100 online class certificate and any other pertaining documents (such as any health department certs) Attend Orientation/Safe Food Handling/Civil Rights Class Complete a site inspection with Island Harvest staff Becoming A Member Agency
Members Must Also Meet Additional Minimum Requirements: Be open twice per month for a minimum of 2hrs each time Have the ability to serve a minimum of 25 families (soup kitchens and food pantries) Work well and in conjunction with other Island Harvest Member Agencies Post required signage in public view with hours/days of operation (emergency food providers) Meal providers must have a least one certified Food Manager and facility inspected by Health Department Identify a SNAP liaison within your organization Becoming A Member Agency
What hours & days you will serve How many distributions the clients will be eligible to attend each month How much food to distribute Developing Your Food Program
Requirements for all Residential Programs: There may be no fewer than (8) eight residents in each facility There must be at least one paid staff member onsite The organization must be licensed, when applicable Household members must not be charged for product received from Island Harvest Food Bank, nor may they be required to perform services (See page 9 of policy manual for additional requirements) Becoming A Member Agency
Once Island Harvest Food Bank receives your application you will then be required to attend an Orientation/Non-discrimination/Safe Food Handling class. Member agencies must send at least one representative during the application process and then annually It is the responsibility of the attendee to then train & inform others within their organization of what they have learned Member agencies that send untrained staff/volunteers to a Island Harvest Food Bank distribution may be asked to repeat the class Additional required training for member agencies that prepare meals may be secured through the County, or State Health Department Required Training
Island Harvest Food Bank is a first responder during disasters. We offer ongoing trainings, workshops and conferences on disaster preparedness and response. Food pantries, shelters and congregate feeding programs are encouraged to have at least one staff/volunteer complete the free online FEMA ICS- 100 training Becoming A Member Agency - Training
Feeding America requires that Island Harvest Food Bank monitor (inspect) its member agencies within every two years. Visits may be announced or unannounced. If a member agency receives grievance complaints, then the number of monitor visits may increase as needed. The purpose of a monitoring visit is to ensure your member agency has adequate support to run a successful food program, including volunteers. Monitoring Visits
Your Site has Proper Signage Emergency food pantries and meal providers must have signage indicating the days/hours of operation posted visibly to the public Include: Hours and Days of Operation Documents needed (if any) How often they may visit the program Any restrictions (only allowable restriction would be territory served) – Signs must be posted & visible to the public – Information and updates are to be provided to Island Harvest Food Bank The And Justice for All poster at the point of service Where the intake is completed or where the food/meals are being distributed/served. Display Your Sign (Food Pantry/Soup Kitchen)
To document the sites ability to safely store/handle/distribute donated and perishable food items Storage must be clean and temperature controlled Storage must be lockable. Food must be secured from theft Food must be on shelves 6 inches off of the floor Document if the agency has the space to handle perishable items No overstocking of food or product Food items are properly labeled and free of major dents and rust What is Island Harvest looking for during a Monitoring Visit?
Proper Record Keeping – Your paper trail is your member agency's ability to prove accountability and to show that the donated product is being used for the purposes intended as outlined on your original application. Records must be kept onsite and include: Pest control records (all) Temperature logs (all) Complaint logs (all) Food Managers or Basic Food Safety Training Certificate (all) Client Records (food pantry) Monthly Surveys (all) Food Pick-up receipt What is Island Harvest looking for during a Monitoring Visit?
Member agencies may use a commercial service or conduct the pest control themselves. It the member agency conducts its own pest service than the member agency should record the day and type of chemical used in a self made pest control log Island Harvest Food Bank will require a commercial service if a serious pest control issue is detected or reported Each member agency must maintain a pest control log And make the logs available during monitor visits Pest Control
Temperatures should be checked and recorded daily on a temperature Log Temperature Logs should be kept in a binder or folder by the month There should be a Temperature Log attached to each refrigerator and freezer If you have more than one refrigerator or freezer, they should be marked A,B,C or 1,2,3 and a temperature log should correspond with the markings Temperature Log
Member Agencies that prepare meals for clients or residents must follow all local and State Health requirements A member of the agency’s staff must hold a certified Food Manager certificate The facility must pass a health inspection conducted by Town, County or State Department of Health annually Copies are to be submitted to Island Harvest for inclusion in your file Health Inspections & Food Manager Certificates
Number of Children (under 18): Number of Adults (19-64): Number of Seniors (over 65): Total Number of Households for Month: Number of New Clients for the Month: Monthly Survey Data Food Pantry/ Snack Programs Food Pantries and Snack Programs - Count the number of people served each time they visit the program. - Count a household as the number of people living in the same family. - Some families may live in the same house, but prepare meals separately. - New clients are counted as people who have never visited the program or have not visited for a long period of time. - For example, some client records are kept on site for 3 years. After that period they would be marked as a new client.
Number of Children (under 18): Number of Adults (19-64): Number of Seniors (over 65): Total Number of Meals Served: Monthly Survey Data Meal Preparation Sites Soup Kitchens - Count each person who is served each meal. - Count each meal served per day. Residences - Count the number of people served per month (usually the number of people living in the house). - Count the number of meals served per month.
Complete Monthly Survey reports on our website. Submit online at: - Reports are due by the 10th of the month for the prior month. - Agencies are placed on hold after the 10 th of the month. Monthly Survey
Maintaining client records is extremely important and should back up your monthly survey of how many clients served All records are to be kept onsite Maintain clients sign-in sheets Intake forms Client Records – Food Pantries Only
Have staff/volunteers record any complaints or issues during a distribution : This is to protect your agency from Civil Rights accusations All complaints must be directed to the number on the “Civil Rights” poster. Keep a log of any incident that resulted in a client not receiving food. You can use a spiral notebook. Record the date. Write a description of the incident. Complaint Log
Please keep copies of your order receipts received at distribution points. Warehouse Distribution – signed and received after load is completed Direct Deliveries – signed and received during delivery Central Distribution – ed to member agencies Volunteer Deliveries – (hand written) – signed and received during delivery Maintain receipts on sight for three years Food Order Receipting
Assess Food Donations Do not accept: Home canned goods Food without labels: ALL products must be labeled with the item name, the ingredients, manufacturer name, and net weight Cans with severe dents Repacking of Food: Member agencies may only repackage food if they have a Health inspection & Food Managers Certificate
Member agencies must present a pass to designated staff or volunteers in order to receive food & product from Island Harvest Member agency should appoint authorized person(s) to pick up or receive orders on behalf of their organization Member agency may request up to two additional passes for a $10 fee each- Duplicate or lost passes are $10 Accept only what your space can store safely. The Distribution hotline and Island Harvest website are updated daily and will announce any changes in the distribution schedule Distributions Include: Warehouse Pick Up Direct Delivery Central Distribution Recovery Deliveries Receiving Food and Product
We are committed to providing safe and nutritious food to the hungry. Our inventory must consistently be monitored and food safety procedures followed in order to provide the highest-quality food possible to people in need. We also expect our Partners to practice similar procedures. You play a key role and could save lives! Food Safety
Distribution hotline and Island Harvest website are updated daily and will announce any changes in the distribution schedule Distributions Include: Warehouse Pick Up Direct Delivery Central Distribution Recovery Deliveries Receiving Food From Island Harvest
Member must show pass upon check in Please be on time, sign in with Island Harvest staff and then wait in your vehicle while food bank staff prepares your distribution Please call if you are running late or unable to pick up When instructed, member may back up to warehouse (only 1 vehicle at a time) Member agency reps are not allowed in warehouse While at Island Harvest, member agency may reject items from the order if they are inappropriate Warehouse Pick Up
Arrive in a clean vehicle that is size appropriate to accommodate your order Island Harvest staff reserve the right to limit or refuse if Member Agency vehicle is overweight, dirty (may contaminate product) or if member does not have proper storage for transport (perishables) Perishables require coolers or freezer blankets It is Member Agency’s responsibility to check order prior to leaving. Please sign invoice at checkout Loading Orders
Island Harvest provides delivery of food orders to members on a rotating basis. Please do not enter Island Harvest truck Member must check order against the invoice for discrepancy at the time of delivery Member agency reps must transport product into their program sites Perishable items must be placed into proper refrigeration immediately after delivery Direct Delivery
Through centralized distribution we are able to service multiple member agencies with a weekly food delivery. Please present agency pass Member agency is signed in on a first come first serve basis Island Harvest staff use sign-in sheet to notify member of their turn If a member agency passes on an item, they will not get “extra” of something else Central Distribution
The act of distinguishing one person or group of persons from others, either intentionally, by neglect, or by the effect of actions or lack of actions based on their protected bases. Everyone gets food. No discrimination of any kind, including on the basis of... What Is Discrimination? – Civil Rights Age Race or Ethnicity Physical Ability Religious Beliefs Home Languages Sexual Orientation Nation of Origin Socioeconomic Status
If someone is in your pantry we must assume they are in need. If they visit more than one pantry we must assume that they need more than what one pantry can provide. Do not compete with other pantries…we are all partners forming one big family to help those in need. Post your requirements so all clients know what is expected. You may refuse service if the client poses a safety threat or if you have documented abuse. Civil Rights – Judge Not
Do not require clients to make a statement of faith or pledge membership to any religious organization prior to receiving assistance. Overall, in order to not violate a person’s Civil Rights please make sure your process is to offer and not REQUIRE. A simple review of your current distribution procedures will tell you if adjustments may need to be implemented. Civil Rights – Religious Proselytizing
Island Harvest understands your desire to share information from your mission, church or organization with the clients your serve. To keep your organization safe from discrimination complaints please follow these guidelines: Do not put religious material IN pre-packed bags. Instead provide material on a table so the client may freely pick up if he/she wishes Do not print material on bags in which food is packaged Do not require clients to pray or attend church prior to receiving food. You MAY have prayer partners available for clients to seek prayer if they wish to do so on their own free will Civil Rights – Religious Proselytizing
Island Harvest is required to respond to complaints made by the public about any food bank member agency. Member agencies will be notified of any specific complaint received. Island Harvest may conduct an unannounced visit of the member agency. Members may submit a written statement of grievance against Island Harvest to Food Bank President and CEO. The statement must include the reasons for the grievance, pertinent facts and what the agency believes would be an acceptable solution to the problem. Complaints & Grievances
Grounds for suspension and/or termination include, but are not limited to: Failure to comply with Island Harvest and Feeding America policies and procedures Loss of non-profit status Indication that agency sells, transfers or barters for money or services any donated product Indications that the site is redistributing product to other agencies or non-profit Indications that the site is using donated product for purposes unrelated to serving the ill, needy or infants Civil Rights violations See policy manual for termination procedures Member Agency Suspension & Termination
It is the member agency’s responsibility to inform Island Harvest if: The agency is going to change locations The agency is going to change hours or days of operation The non-profit status changes The agency plans on no longer serve the community The agency would like to expand into multiple locations Keep Island Harvest Informed!
Agency Relations Team Allison Puglia Vice President of Programs and Agency Relations Elizabeth Notarbartolo Agency Relations Coordinators Karen LaSorsa Joann Cannon Office Coordinator