Eliot K-8 Innovation School A Strong School Culture Supporting High Achievement
Building our Climate and Culture Weekly Highlights – Weekly highlights are sent to both parents and staff Instructional Leadership Team – Instructional planning team (curriculum, developing forms for: Learning Walks, Looking at data to present to staff… Lead Teachers Monthly Celebrations of students - Student Learning and Independent Scholars Monthly Celebrations of teachers – Teachers Birthdays, new babies, new homes etc. ( cake and food) Positive Reflection: Every meeting starts with a positive reflection around teaching, learning, and teachers and students accomplishments Morning Announcements (Pledge of Allegiance) Shout Outs ( at the end of the day) Bulletin Board ( days announcements / events) Community Partners Family Council Student Council
MCAS Math Data SY
Evolution of Problem of Practice First Steps Teacher talk versus Student talk Gradual release of responsibility Focus on Purposeful planning using workshop model-Mini Lesson and independent work period Next Steps present Using conferring notes to support data driven instruction in all content areas around writing Standards based rigorous instruction focused on writing response QSP focusing text based analytical writing
Action Steps 90 minutes –LASW weekly 90 minutes of uninterrupted daily Common planning time Summer planning hours Portfolio of Units with lesson plans Biweekly data meetings Daily observations of classroom practice Intervention Action planning all grade levels Kinder 1- Grade 8 Power 35
How do we use data? All teachers regularly look at drilled-down data starting in August (i.e. year-to-year MCAS open response growth) Teachers are focused on moving individual students (not whole class averages) Data Meetings are held every two weeks to analyze data and create targeted action plans Purposeful grouping throughout the day is based on the data
How do we use data? Teachers create action plans specific to students and then implement them daily in the Power 35 Action plans hone in on specific skills/sub- standards and utilize specific, actionable strategies Teachers frequently progress monitor each student
How do we use data? Teachers regularly report data to families (through letters home, , conferencing, phone calls, etc.) Students and families set data-driven goals We work to educate our families and students with what the data means, how to interpret data, etc.
How do we use data? Administrative team regularly reviews grade level, class level and individual data Admin team looks for solutions to support students or classes with lagging data Knowing the whole child involves many things, but involves knowing the child’s data