Student Learning Objectives Briana Timmerman, Ph.D. for Rinice Sauls
What are SLOs? Teacher-driven, student-centered, standards-based set of goals that establish expectations for students’ academic growth Can represent the most important learning for the school year, semester, or quarter SLOs directly link a teacher’s classroom instruction to student growth Centered on rigorous, yet attainable growth targets
Anatomy of the SLO CriteriaDescription Objective- Identifies content - Broad statement, yet focused enough to be measurable Student Population- Specific population targeted by SLO Should include: Students with exceptionalities and support given Standards/Content- Describes content standards addressed - Educator provides rationale for focusing on that content Interval of Instruction- Specifies time period including instructional periods and assessment dates
Anatomy of the SLO CriteriaDescription Assessment (Pre and Post)-Describes which assessment(s) will be used and why it/they are appropriate - Grading/ scoring rubric should be pre- determined and aligned with standards and SLO target goal Progress Monitoring-Describes type and frequency of interim formative assessments Baseline and Trend Data-Describes students’ baseline knowledge, source of data -Describes patterns in the data -Includes teacher’s history of content and grade level Instructional StrategiesDescribes high-yield instructional strategies
Anatomy of the SLO CriteriaDescription Growth Targets- Describes teacher’s expectations for students at the end of the interval - Must be rigorous, yet attainable - Tiered / differentiated based on students’ incoming achievement Rationale- Explains how target was determined
SLO Quality Review Examines the three main components of the SLO: Content Rigor of Target Quality of Assessment
SLO Quality Review Content: Are the SLO objectives aligned to the standards? Is the objective measurable? Rigor of Target: Is the growth target based on students’ baseline performance, rigorous, yet attainable? Quality of Assessment: Does the assessment measure the skills identified in the objective statement?
What does this mean for educators? Increased capacity for data driven instruction Enhanced skill level for creating and selecting assessments Opportunities to collaborate with other educators Opportunities to link classroom instruction, assessment, and student outcomes.