Agency Request Budget Biennium 1 State Board of Education December 11, 2014
NRS : Enhancement to the Distributive School Account Expand Full-Day Kindergarten to All Schools Fund Half of the Expansion in FY 2016; Complete the Expansion in FY ExpenditureFY FY Regular Schools$18,448,881$33,581,719 Charter Schools$2,301,304$4,694,661 Portables$5.0 million TOTAL$25,750,185$43,276,380 FY 2017 – Projected Costs to support.6 to 1.0 = $81.4 million (includes charter schools)
NRS : Agency Request Budget Total New Positions = 14 3 Student Needs Education Personnel Needs Management Needs
Request for New Positions: 14 FTE Division of Educator Effectiveness and Family Engagement 5.0 FTE New Positions 1.0 FTE: Deputy Superintendent of Educator Effectiveness and Family Engagement 1.0 FTE: Program Officer II: Manage the Nevada Educator Performance Framework 1.0 FTE: Teacher Licensing Analyst: Outreach 2.0 FTE Administrative Assistant II: Office of Educator Effectiveness and Development 4
Request for New Positions Division of Student Achievement 8.0 FTE New Positions 3.0 FTE: Education Programs Professional Research and Evaluation Management Functions Related to School Turnaround Safe and Respectful School Environment 3.0 FTE: Management Analyst II: Research, Development, Performance Measures, and the Promulgation of Policies and Regulations Align High Impact Work with NDE Goals; Create Project Plans; and Hold Staff Accountable to Deliver Work Projects Underperforming Schools 5
Request for New Positions Division of Student Achievement - continued 1.0 FTE: IT Professional III: SAIN – Write Code &Extract Data for Research and Evaluation 1.0 FTE: Business Process Analyst III: Data Requests, Analysis, and Tri-Agency Communication 6
Request for New Positions Division of Business and Support Services 1.0 FTE New Position 1.0 FTE: Budget Analyst II 7
Summary of Major Program Requests Office of the Superintendent Stipend for a Graduate Student or Educator in Residence: $200,000 over the Biennium. Accountability & Data Driven Instruction Teacher of the Year – Space Camp: $8,000 over the Biennium. 8
Summary of Major Program Requests Office of the Superintendent Public Information Officer: Increase in operating expenses to support campaigns, such as Nevada Ready! Expand NDE outreach with parents and the public – $60,000 over the Biennium. State Board of Education: Provide out-of-state travel for conferences and meetings – $10,000 over the Biennium. 9
Summary of Major Program Requests Student Achievement Division Data Systems Management Implement Infinite Campus (IC) Statewide $3.5 million over the Biennium NDE Implementation: $1.0 million each fiscal year of the biennium School District Conversion: FY 2016: $570,000 (5 school districts) FY 2017: $917,000 (10 school districts) 10
Summary of Major Program Requests Student Achievement Division Data Systems Management Nevada School Performance Framework $1.5 million over the Biennium School Climate Survey: Require all middle and high school students to participate in the survey. State Poll: Conduct and annual poll of ratings of the education system in Nevada. Educator Survey: Measure workplace engagement of education staff in middle schools and high schools in Nevada. 11
Summary of Major Program Requests Student Achievement Division Student and School Support Expand Advance Placement Courses $1.2 million over the biennium - Increase access to courses - Teacher preparation - Double Participation - Competitive Grants to increase participation and passage 12
Summary of Major Program Requests Student Achievement Division Student and School Support Job’s for America’s Graduates (JAG) $1.5 million over the Biennium GOAL: Expand JAG to all counties & communities, including Tonopah, Laughlin, Pahrump, Winnemucca, & Elko. 13
Summary of Major Program Requests Division of Educator Effectiveness Licensure Study - $60,000 Comprehensive study of the provisions of NRS & NAC relating to licensure. The goal of the study is to obtain recommendations on how to align licensing laws and regulations with the elements of the NEPF to make them more: Cohesive; Up-to-Date; and Legally Defensible. 14
Summary of Major Program Requests Division of Educator Effectiveness NEPF Validation Study & Training FY $1.2 million 3 rd Year Study: $165,851 RPDP Training: $986,250 15
Summary of Major Program Requests Division of Educator Effectiveness Automated Educator Licensure System Faster Access to Applicant/Licensure Data Faster Access to Issued NDE Licensure 16 FY 2016FY 2017Biennium Total FY 2018FY 2019FY Year Total $41,105$217,527$258,632$190,522$51,100 $551,054
NDE Agency Request Budget QUESTIONS? 17