Canterbury Tales Notes
Prologue Time of year – Spring – April – People go on pilgrimages to Catholic Shrines Pray to the martyrs, saints for help for illness, difficulties, etc. Chaucer – narrator 29 fellow travelers meet at The Tabard Inn All going to Canterbury – Shrine of St. Thomas Beckett Introduces each character for our enjoyment or education.
Satire Use of humor, irony, and exaggeration to expose and criticize people’s vices. The religious of the Church The Lay people of the Church The righteous of the Church Sins of humanity – Greed – Arrogance – Pride – Woman equality
Knight Christian Back from the Crusades; fighting for the Church; list of battles Example of chivalry- knight demonstrates honor, courtesy, truth, generousness Humble; modest; not boorish (self- aggrandizing, boastful) Chaucer sees him as an honorable knight
Knight Good horses (necessary) Clothing – useful, worn from battle 1 st concern – prayer to God – Thanks for still being alive. Not concerned about how he looks for the ladies. First priority God and country. Truly honorable person
Squire – Knight’s son Young Good Looking – hair perfectly styled Clothing – impeccable Has had little experience in battle; but battles he won was for impressing the ladies. Main concern – having fun; enjoying the girls However, he remains respectful to his father. Serves him dinner.
Nun Prioress – just under the abbess (superior in charge). Has responsibility as a role model to the novice. Chaucer ridicules her through humor and irony. Sang; spoke French (common, not sophisticated). Well mannered to a fault; tries too hard to impress. “she could carry a morsel up and keep it from falling..” Courtliness (refined behavior)…not a trace of grease…(lines 135..) Chaucer is laughing at her. “ She certainly was entertaining.”
Nun “straining to counterfeit a courtly kind of grace” She is trying really hard to act like a nun should, but is failing. She tries to show concern for animals. Cried over a dead mouse. She fed her food to her dogs (more concerned about her dogs than her true job of helping people). Was upset if someone hit her dogs. Truth – Romantic, coral trinket, beautiful green beads, golden brooch (Love conquers all things). Trouble with her vows.
Monk Chaucer ridicules the monk Hunter Fine dogs, horses, clothing, all costly Ignored his vows of St Benet, St. Maur, St. Augustine. Prelate – high ranking priest – Should be setting example for the new priests beneath him. – Quiet life; agriculture – Enjoyed the life of freedom, expensive taste, did what he wanted.
Friar - Limiter Corrupt Had a license from the Pope to beg Vow of poverty; lived off of what people gave him. Heard confessions for a price Blackmailed all with fear of Hell without sins being forgiven Well spoken to get what he wants Clothing – wealthy- represents how corrupt he truly is. (page 120 – lines )
Friar Attack on this priest – He was a noble pillar to his Order – facetious – Flirted with the girls; gave them gifts – Scammed elderly with charm. Took their money without guilt. – Focus was where the money could be found Taverns, innkeepers, barmaids Stayed away from the very poor and needy. No money there. – Lepers, beggars, etc.
Oxford Cleric Youth Studies to the detriment of his health Naïve Can’t find work in the church; secular work gives him enough money to buy more books. He should be buying food. Man of little words; soaked up what others said to educate himself. Taught moral virtue when asked. Very respectful.
Franklin Wealthy Shares what he has with everyone Has the best of everything Beard – White as a daisy-petal –Santa Claus bringing gifts Sanguine man, high-colored and benign. – Humors are in balance – Good humored man – Enjoys life – Unhappy with his servants if they do not do their jobs.
Cook Chaucer shows the reality of the filth ongoing in society. Cook – excellent Cleanliness – irony – boils on his skin
Skipper & Doctor Skipper – Did follow rules; stole alcohol from employers – Those who stole from him were killed Doctor – Determined illnesses through astrology – Worked with the town druggist to scam his patients – Didn’t read the Bible – Lived a wealthy life off of the ignorance of people
Wife of Bath