PD2P, Caching etc. Kaushik De Univ. of Texas at Arlington ADC Retreat, Naples Feb 4, 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

PD2P, Caching etc. Kaushik De Univ. of Texas at Arlington ADC Retreat, Naples Feb 4, 2011

Introduction  Caching at T2 using PD2P and Victor works well  Have 6 months experience (>3 months with all clouds)  Almost zero complaint from users  Few operational headaches  Some cases of disk full, datasets disappearing…  Most issues addressed with incremental improvements like space checking, rebrokering, storage cleanup and consolidation  What I propose today should solve remaining issues  Many positives  No exponential growth in storage use  Better use of Tier 2 sites for analysis  Next step – PD2P for Tier 1  This is not a choice – but necessity (see Kors’ slides)  We should treat part of Tier 1 storage as dynamic cache Feb 4, 2011 Kaushik De 2

Life Without ESD  New plan – see document and Ueda’s slides  Reduction in storage requirement from 27 PB -> ~10 PB for 2011 for 400 Hz (but could be as much as 13 PB)  Reduction of 2010 data from 13PB to ~6 PB  But we should go farther  We are still planning to fill almost all T1 disks with pre-placed data  MC = = 24 PB = available space  Based on past experience, reality will be tougher, and disk crises will hit us sooner – we should do things differently this time  We must trust caching model Feb 4, 2011 Kaushik De 3

What can we do?  Make some room for dynamic caches  For discussion below, do not count T0 copy  Use DQ2 tags – custodial/primary/secondary – rigorously  Custodial = LHC Data = Tape only (1 copy)  Primary = minimal, disk at T1, so we have room for PD2P caching  LHC Data primary == RAW (1 copy), AOD, DESD, NTUP (2 copies)  MC primary == Evgen, AOD, NTUP (2 copies only)  Secondary = copies made by ProdSys (ESD, HITS, RDO), PD2P (all types except RAW, RDO, HITS) and DaTri only  Lifetimes – required strictly for all secondary copies (i.e. consider secondary == cached == temporary)  Locations – custodial ≠ primary; primary ≠ secondary  Deletions – any secondary copy can be deleted by Victor Feb 4, 2011 Kaushik De 4

Reality Check  Primary copy (according to slide 4)  2010 data ~ 4 PB  2011 data ~ 4.5 PB  MC ~ 5 PB  Total primary = 14 PB  Available space for secondaries > ~10 PB at Tier 1’s  Can accommodate additional copies, only if ‘hot’  Can accommodate some ESD’s (expired gracefully after n months)  Can accommodate large buffers during reprocessing (new release)  Can accommodate better than expected LHC running  Can accommodate new physics driven requests Feb 4, 2011 Kaushik De 5

Who Makes Replicas?  RAW - managed by Santa Claus (no change)  1 copy to TAPE (custodial), 1 copy DISK (primary) at a different T1  First pass processed data – by Santa Claus (no change)  Tagged primary/secondary according to slide 4  Secondary will have lifetime (n months)  Reprocessed data – by PanDA  Tagged primary/secondary according to slide 4, and set lifetime  Additional copies made to a different T1 disk, according to MoU share, automatically based on slide 4 (not by AKTR anymore)  Additional copies at Tier 1’s – only by PD2P and DaTri  Must always set lifetime  Note – only PD2P makes copies to Tier 2’s Feb 4, 2011 Kaushik De 6

Additional Copies by PD2P  Additional copies at Tier 1’s – always tagged secondary  If dataset is ‘hot’ (defined on next slide)  Use MoU share to decide which Tier 1 gets extra copy  Copies at Tier 2’s – always tagged secondary  No changes for first copy – keep current algorithm (brokerage), use age requirement if we run into space shortage (see Graeme’s talk)  If dataset is ‘hot’ (see next slide) make extra copy  Reminder – additional replicas are secondary = temporary by definition, may/will be removed by Victor Feb 4, 2011 Kaushik De 7

What is ‘Hot’?  ‘Hot’ decides when to make secondary replica  Algorithm is based on additive weights  w1 + w2 + w3 + wN… > N (tunable threshold) – make extra copy  w1 – based on number of waiting jobs  nwait/2*nrunning, averaged over all sites  Currently disabled due to DB issues – need to re-enable  Don’t base on number of reuse – did not work well  w2 – inversely based on age  Either Graeme’s table, or continuous, normalized to 1 (newest data)  w3 – inversely based on number of copies  wN – other factors based on experience Feb 4, 2011 Kaushik De 8

Where to Send ‘Hot’ Data?  Tier 1 site selection  Based on MoU share  Exclude site if dataset size > 5% (as proposed by Graeme)  Exclude site if too many active subscriptions  Other tuning based on experience  Tier 2 site selection  Based on brokerage, as currently  Negative weight – based on number of active subscriptions  Other tuning based on experience Feb 4, 2011 Kaushik De 9

What About Broken Subscriptions?  Becoming an issue (see Graeme’s talk)  PD2P already sends datasets within a container to different sites to reduce wait time for users  But what about datasets which take more than few hours?  Simplest solution  ProdSys imposes maximum limit on dataset size  Possible alternative  Cron/PanDA to break up datasets and rebuild container  Difficult but also possible solution  Use _dis datasets in PD2P  Search DQ2 for _dis datasets in brokerage (there will be performance penalty if we use this route)  But this is perhaps the most robust solution? Feb 4, 2011 Kaushik De 10

Data Deletions will be Very Important  Since we are caching everywhere (T1+T2), Victor plays equally important role as PD2P  Asynchronously cleanup all caches  Trigger based on disk fullness threshold  Algorithm based on (age+popularity)&secondary  Also automatic deletion of n-2 – by AKTR/Victor Feb 4, 2011 Kaushik De 11

How Soon Can we Implement?  Before LHC startup!  Big load initially on ADC operations to cleanup 2010 data, and to migrate tokens  Need some testing/tuning of PD2P before LHC starts  So, we need decision on this proposal quickly Feb 4, 2011 Kaushik De 12