Student Led Conference By: Mr. Jez Kingston Middle School
Introduction {in this section, lead introductions of parents, guardians, guests to advisor} {introduce self to those you do not know} Introductions Thank you for attending my conference.
Rationale {in this section you will explain the purpose of the conference} What have I accomplished this year? Who am I? What could I do in the future?
Academic Development {in this section you will showcase your accomplishments for the year—what work makes you proud? } Explain academic goal for the year Your schedule –{see next slides}
1 st Period Include Smart Goal Hyperlink 2 of achievements Hyperlink 3 of achievements Picture of you in this class or something you have created in this class
2 nd Period Include goals Hyperlink 1 of achievements Hyperlink 2 of achievements Hyperlink 3 of achievements Picture of you in this class or something you have created in this class
3 rd Period Include goals Hyperlink 1 of achievements Hyperlink 2 of achievements Hyperlink 3 of achievements Picture of you in this class or something you have created in this class
4 th Period Include goals Hyperlink 1 of achievements Hyperlink 2 of achievements Hyperlink 3 of achievements Picture of you in this class or something you have created in this class
5 th Period Include goals Hyperlink 1 of achievements Hyperlink 2 of achievements Hyperlink 3 of achievements Picture of you in this class or something you have created in this class
6 th Period Include goals Hyperlink 1 of achievements Hyperlink 2 of achievements Hyperlink 3 of achievements Picture of you in this class or something you have created in this class
Advisory Period Include goals Hyperlink 1 of achievements Hyperlink 2 of achievements Hyperlink 3 of achievements Picture of you in this class or something you have created in this class
Personal & Social Development {discuss what is most important to you} Activities you do during free time Activities in school Contributions to the larger community Explain what you’ve accomplished that is important to you
Career Development {Discuss at least 3 things you could do in your future} What are your interests? What possibilities exist in your future? Explain what you have learned about life after your school career
Questions {here you will ask the audience for questions and listen carefully} Answer questions respectfully and as completely as possible
Thank you for coming {insert your thanks for all attending guests}