Intelligence for Commissioners Joint Strategic Needs Assessment VCFS Reference Group Wednesday 25 th February 2009
Background to JSNA Assessment of health and social care needs of the WHOLE population including health inequalities and gaps in provision Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 Joint responsibility of: Directors of Public Health, Director of Children and Young People Services and Director of Adult Social Services
Lancashire approach Web based - online platform sits within larger Lancashire Profile Lancashire Profile Basic analyses - Data downloads, Library of analyses, Regular uploads and updates Quarterly commentary - October commentary discusses the impact of the financial crisis and fuel price increases Bespoke analyses, and analysis log Offer of advice and interpretation What’s new? and monthly newsletter Twice-yearly “intelligence showcase” January and July
Case study: NI153 Community profile of those areas identified under the LAA indicator Used to complete a Mental Well-being Impact Assessment but not health specific Draws links between a number of themes: worklessness, mental health and well-being, social inclusion, environment, community safety, etc Results made available through workshop, upload to web pages and newsletter
Bespoke Reports Cross Agency Analyses Led by LAA theme leads Mental Wellbeing Audit LSP requests Inequalities in Chorley Operational Chorley and South Ribble Families First Healthy Schools – Education/Health Information Sharing Project Health and Social Care Commissioners Carers needs East Lancashire Health Alcohol Needs Assessment Citizen’s Advice in Primary Care
Support systems and processes JSNA Action Plan with measurable outcomes Analyst and research officer Strong steering group Good technical relationship with PCTs Regional profile with CSIP and PHO
Future direction of JSNA Profile raising Briefing senior teams in LCC and PCTs, Commissioners, LSPs and Councils 500 people to be briefed by 31/03/2009 with 500 more in 2009/10 Monthly newsletter out to approx 350 people so far July 800 /Oct 1600 / Jan 2500 web page visits a month Quarterly commentaries ‘What’s new’? Intelligence showcases (Jan VCFS) Formal relationships with LSPs and LAA themes and Internal profile raising
Future direction of JSNA cont. Web pages and content development Data platform continually being added to Key SWOT analysis to be online by end of February 2009 with district profiles to follow User friendly, multi entry points and organised by LAA theme. Health inequalities report to be developed with Joint Health Unit JSNA priorities identification Currently informed by analysis requests and feedback from commissioners Will be strategic priorities Health inequalities report to be developed with Joint Health Unit
Future Direction of JSNA cont Outcomes from January intelligence showcase To create a page where people’s health needs, concerns and aspirations can be loaded and made publicly available To ask the VCFS and citizen representatives to contribute to that development To have a process agreed and page created by end June 2009 To run another showcase in July to report progress and decide content and how the resultant intelligence can be used. Partnership working Remote working with PCT Public Health teams Building relationships with Commissioners Links with Joint Health Unit?? Links with districts and VCFS
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