TIPD 2009 Adelaide, Australia Tris Keates Northallerton College
Impact at Northallerton College Weaknesses (SWOT) Links with parents Establishing good practice and monitoring it within every classroom Getting G&T recognised as a priority often other problem areas seem higher up on the agenda Showing evidence to other teachers of “trickle down” Opportunities for independent learning
Working with G&T Students- Timetabled contact. 2 PHSE slots identified Negotiated Learning(some PHSE mandatory) Students able to identify new study areas e.g. recession Students choose end point and learning style Timeline negotiated (roughly 4 Weeks) End Point is presentation evening to parents Opportunity to use Tracking effectively Mentoring Inspiration – Sleaford 6-12, Bridgewater Primary
Barriers to success Shortage of PHSE teachers Only 1 spare teacher Teacher uncomfortable teaching this terms sex and relationships topics May be able to launch post Christmas
CPD Project Working to extend the more able in our classrooms led by Tristan Keates Team members: Zoe Walls, Chantelle Crosby, Louise Clewlow, Kate Delaney, Laura Cassidy Jamie Westwood Remit and Outcomes Explore the Quality Standards in each of the seven sessions An explanation of what the standards mean for classroom teachers, ideas placed on G&T web page; evidence to support self evaluation judgement Share good practice; try new things out in the classroom; share at the next session how successful, tell stories and evaluate impact -A toolkit of ideas and examples of good practice developed Share at Faculty meetings the work of the project -Minutes of Faculty Meetings Carry out lesson observations specifically identifying G&T practice -2 completed evidence forms per member of the team per term, with relevant feedback taking place between individuals and possibly at subject, Faculty meetings Work with TK in supporting G&T students across KS4 and KS5 Evidence of identified students being supported in response to ALP Showcase the work on two CPD occasions to all staff Presentation of the standards; the toolkit – Toolkit produced Dates of CPD project meeting September 4 th 8.45 – 12noon Twilight sessions from pm 15/9; 10/11; 8/12; 12/1; 9/2; 9/3; 20/4 Other dates arranged by the group To be decided Presentation Showcase dates 12 th January 2010 at Northallerton 22 nd June 2010 at Risedale
College Targets and Previous CPD – working with G&T post 16 to identify Good practice in A level teaching gives us a slight post 16 emphasis Inspiration - from all schools visited – G&T has a whole school approach
Good Practice Past Question Practice Trained to mark themselves Websites (AQA) independent learning Mark scheme talked through File checks 2/3 Questions a week questions for homework, Whole lesson given to feedback and marking Specification referral Websites (specs) Coursework Feedback Direction/Feedback Exemplar materials (VLA) Marked and graded work feedback on how you can improve Booklets of Questions Mentoring/one to one feedback Support/ Knowing the student e.g. self -esteem etc
CPD sessions Sept 5 th – Introducing Classroom Quality standards, Aims and Objectives of CPD. Sept 15 th – Questioning – Ideas and sharing best practice. CQS 1 Nov 11 th – Questioning review, CQS 2, Identifying G&T focus on underachievement
Questioning - Teacher Training Post 16
Evidence of Trickle down
Primary Project Start a Northallerton Primary Cluster Exceptionally able/vulnerable Half Termly event - Themed At Secondary Venue Joint Primary/Secondary planning Post 16 Mentors Student delivery? Parental involvement Inspiration- Sleaford 6-12 and Bridgewater Primary Working with primary teachers. Jo Dale North Yorkshire AST
Student led –Parents Evening 1 Class Year 10 G&T – Term 3 Inspiration – Australian Science and Maths School My ePortfolioMy ePortfolio This Word document is a collection of information that tells the story of my learning. Follow the hyperlinks. Kira Evans