CETTs and the reform of teacher education Tony Nasta
2 First in a series of conferences to showcase the work of the CETTs Three CETTs involved and one specialist unit HUDCETT – led by the University of Huddersfield LONCETT – led by Institute of Education WMCETT – led by the University of Warwick London Strategic Unit – Skills for Life/hosts TALENT Work in progress
3 Wider context of reform Equipping our teachers for the future ( ) Three major themes Revised standards linked to QTLS Emphasis upon professionalism – implications for teacher-educators CETTs (11)
4 Wider context of reforms Centres FOR Excellence not OF Excellence Overall purpose to develop capacity of ITT system to tackle systemic weaknesses most recently identified in the HMI surveys of 2003 and 2006 and DfES Equipping our Teachers for the Future CETTs about the ‘supply side’ tackling the historic neglect of teacher education
5 Where we were HMI Survey of 2003 The current system of FE teacher training does not provide a satisfactory foundation of professional development for FE teachers at the start of their careers. While the tuition that trainees receive on the taught elements of their courses is generally good, few opportunities are provided for trainees to learn how to teach their specialist subjects and there is a lack of systematic mentoring and support in the workplace. The needs of this diverse group of trainees are not adequately assessed at the start of the courses and training programmes are insufficiently differentiated. As a consequence, many trainees make insufficient progress.
6 Where we were Back to the future? Haycocks 1975 The deficiencies in the present situation hardly need to be stated, they are recognised and have been for so many years. The need for professional teacher training in FE establishments is as great as that in schools.
7 Responding to the 6 CETT criteria 1.Enhance the quality of training by bringing together providers and trainees from different contexts such as HE, FE, ACL, work-based learning and the voluntary sector 2.Improve the support for trainees in the workplace so that they are able to better develop skills related to teaching their specialist subject/occupational area 3.Embody commitment to the principles of diversity and equality in everything that they do and in particular by widening access to training for under-represented groups and modeling inclusive practice in teaching and learning
8 Responding to the 6 CETT criteria 4.Increase the breadth and depth of trainees’ experience by providing opportunities for observing, teaching or assessing different types of learners on different qualifications in more than one LSC funded provider 5.Contribute to the development of innovative practice through well- targeted research and dissemination activities 6.Provide high-quality resources, including on-line materials, for the development of trainees in the workplace that are shared with other providers on both a regional and a national basis.
9 CETTs contribution so far Addressing the systemic weaknesses in ITT and CPD that were raised by the 2003 HMI survey and earlier by Haycocks Building networks of teacher educators and giving them a voice Developing a stronger research tradition and viable long-term improvements to the curriculum