AUS-SPEC 2011 Benchmark Survey Richard Choy CEO NATSPEC // Construction Information 2011 IPWEAQ State Conference
2 NATSPEC Founded in 1975, NATSPEC is a not-for-profit organisation with the objective to improve the quality of construction in Australia. Our principal service is the development and updating of the National Building Specification.
AUS-SPEC The National Local Government Specification system for the life-cycle management of assets. Introduced in Urban and open spaces Buildings Roadworks and Bridges Public Utilities
Local Councils prefer AUS-SPEC Reduced Funding & More Litigation The AUS-SPEC specification system provide value and reduce risk
July 2007 “The AUS-SPEC specification is updated and distributed by NATSPEC. AUS ‑ SPEC is developed by the industry, for the industry and IPWEA encourage local councils to subscribe to the AUS-SPEC services. There is no longer any need to purchase the series upfront. This greatly improves affordability and access to the full AUS ‑ SPEC range.” Chris Champion, IPWEA National CEO
AUS-SPEC Review and Revision 2007 – Alignment to National Classification Structure 2008 – Buildings 2009 – Roads + new NATSPEC Maintenance Reference 2010 – Public Utilities (stormwater, water & sewerage) 2011 – Contracts
Strategic Roadmap Route 1 Route 2 Route 3 Signposts
Benchmarking definition The process of measuring the performance of an organisation, analysing practices in key areas and then comparing them to similar operations or functions to find ways of achieving better results. Austroads, 1997 PERFORMANCE & PROCESS BENCHMARKING
Participants 64 Councils with a further 20 indicating they will participate next year 41 Urban; 22 Rural; 1 unidentified 25 NSW; 9 Qld; 4 SA; 1 Tas; 14 Vic; 8 WA; 3 anon
Use of AUS-SPEC Specifications
General Conditions of Contracts AS %72% AS %49% NPWC32%5% GC215%5% Other7%18% Other types in 2009: AS 4300, AS 4912, AS 4122, AS 4095, Council Conditions of Contract, In house, Local Government Association and Local Government Association Works Contract. Other types in 2011: Modified AS 2124, AS 4905, In house, Own general conditions written up by Council Lawyers, Commercial building contract, Council standard template.
Progress of asset management plans for parks
Regularity of condition assessment of park assets - Greater than 24 months27% - Every 24 months16% - Every 18 months2% - Every 12 months37% - Every 6 months7% - Every 3 months9% - No assessment2%
Average frequency of mowing of playing fields and passive areas - Every week24% - Every 2 weeks52% - Every 3 weeks21% - More than every 3 weeks3%
Maintenance Expenditure for Parks Comparison given for a Council in VIC (shown in red) Comparison given for a Council in NSW (shown in red)
Annual buildings maintenance cost
Overall condition of building assets
Annual building energy consumption Comparison given for a Council in VIC (shown in red).
Footpath Incidents Penrith: Pre AUS-SPEC (2001) 1 incident every 3-5km Post AUS-SPEC 1 incident every km Meijer, Ling & Woodcock, 2009
Frequency of bridge certification
Recycled Water
Stormwater assets
Adoption of Water Sensitive Urban Design WSUD –Yes % –Yes %
Use benchmarking to determine your priority areas for action and as a guide for where there can be improvement. Do not try to do everything at once and do not blindly try to set or achieve benchmark KPIs.
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AUS-SPEC is developed and reviewed by the industry for the industry NATSPEC Team
29 Join the AUS-SPEC family “the number of claims against the Council has reduced dramatically” “the new specification system will result in greater efficiency in organizing and controlling the production of specifications” “learning from the experience of others is invaluable” “a decrease in costs by 10% since the implementation of AUS-SPEC” “it’s the first time we used it and we are very satisfied” Over 300 Councils have used AUS-SPEC information
2012 Major review of the Maintenance worksections. If you would like to participate in the review please us at Thank you