2014 Presented by: Dave DeStefano & Rita Stearns Camp Invention
2014 Camp Invention inspires creativity and inventive thinking during its weeklong summer program! Led by local educators, elementary school children are immersed into fun-filled, exciting, activities that reinvent summer fun. Throughout the week, children work together to solve real-world challenges that prepare them for the 21st century. Whether they are creating an epic, insect- themed pinball machine or dismantling broken devices, participants learn new approaches to everyday problems!
How It Began in Southington Fall of 2013: Initial contact was ed to the superintendent’s office, which was forwarded to the director of summer school. A response was then replied back with the extent of the message being, “We can do this!” A meeting was then set-up with a representative from Invent Now Inc. January 2014: Officially accepted to host Camp Invention. Rolled out plans to the elementary school principals. Followed by an instructor search.
Site Dates Chose Strong Elementary School for its availability and ideal accommodations. August 4 th – 8 th 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Program site and dates
How It Began in Southington February 2014: Met with interested staff members and a representative from Invent Now Inc. to proceed with start-up. Distributed two sets of fliers to all elementary schools in district. Utilized the all-call system and blast to alert parents of the program. Redesigned summer school web-site to expand on announcing the program.
How It Began in Southington Met with a journalist from the Record Journal to publicize in a greater capacity. March 2014: 35 students had enrolled (met min.) May 2014: 75 students had enrolled July 25, 2014: 110 students (Max. enrollment)
Staff Ms. Curtin Design Studio: Morphed Ms. Levin Energized Ms. Lombardi Amplified Mr. Amnott Super Go Mrs. Bacchus I Can Invent: Pinbug Ms. Stearns Asst. Director
2014 “Morphed” Snapshots
Energized ™
Amplified ™
Design Studio: Morphed ™
Super Go! ™
I Can Invent: Pinbug ™
Local Media Publications
2014 Highlights 2015 Suggestions 110 participants (maximum enrollment for a one-week program) $1,000 stipend bonus awarded to the site district ($100 for each student above 100 participants) Strong Elementary School proved to be an ideal site Standing room only for Inventor’s Showcase Consider offering two, one-week camps Use awarded stipend to staff a nurse to monitor and address medical needs Possibly use a middle school that has A/C Organize a grouping plan for Inventor’s Showcase Moving Forward
Ready to do it again!