Observations History vs. Today Cyber Cultures & Breaking Down Media Generated Stereotypes Action
It used to be so easy without CAN bus, wireless, oh my!
Who Are These Guys?
Roger Boisjoly & Charlie Miller
What do they have in common?
Why is this important? Roger wrote a memo in January 1985 concerning a faulty design in a vehicle (rocket booster) asking to delay the launch January 28, 1986 (30 years ago this year) Challenger exploded Roger and his colleagues tried to stop the launch after confirmation of launch date Roger testified and found himself shunned by colleagues and managers eventually resigning
Cultures – They Make or Break Us Image Source: Image Source:
Where is the media when? Image Source: Image Source:
Why is this important?
We need to break down barriers Learn from each other (engineers and cybersecurity professionals) Listen without prejudice Speak with commonality (nobody is better than anyone else) Human Mind is a wonderful thing Barriers and Stereotypes won’t move us ahead Conferences are OK, but Action wins the day!
Walsh Program We are the first offering a cybersecurity vehicle certificate, and taking action We are at the forefront of education, and developed our own programs with a team of experts It’s about connecting people with a common interest Learning the autonomy of the vehicle Sharing passion to create leaders Testing in a controlled environment Most importantly proposing how to fix issues
What actions will we take? Image Source:
Observations we made History vs. Today Cyber Cultures & Breaking Down Media Generated Stereotypes Action
Dave Schaefer The End Facebook: Dave Schaefer's Surreal Paradigm