Evidence-Based Learning
2 Questions 1.Name one thing you could do (or do more) to improve the performance of your students? 2.How much impact will that have?
Which Techniques Work? Classroom Management Teacher Subject Knowledge Providing Formative Evaluation Learners’ Self-Belief Spaced Practice Reducing Class Size by 30% Making a learner re-take a year Setting Homework Put the following factors in order of impact TIME UP TIME UP 4minutes
Effective Education What can we do to get higher results? – Get rid of the boys – Move to a nice area – Become a faith-school
Differences in Achievement Distribution of 16-year olds gaining 5 GCSE grades at grade C or higher Wiliam (2009)
The Teaching Are all teachers as effective as each other? Hanushek & Rivkin, 2006
What Can We Measure? Success RatesRetentionHigh GradesValue AddedAttendancePunctualityTimely CompletionProgression
Scientific Method Group 1 Group 2 Subject Area Control Test Divide into teaching groups Group Types Measure Test Who achieved highest?
Comparative 1 Identify Group 2 Divide 3 Differentiate Experiences 4 Test 5 Compare Current Best Practice New Strategy
Intervention 1 Identify Group 2 Test 3 Intervention 4 Test 5 Compare
Post-Analysis 1 Identify Group 2 Learning Experience 3 Test 4 Identify & Divide 5 Compare
Standard Deviation Comparison Achievement Numbers of People In relation to average Negative Impact Positive Impact Distance = Effect Size Control Group Test Group Test Group
Calculate Effect Size StudentPrePost David4035 Anne2530 Molly4550 Barry3040 Collin3545 Brad6070 Juliet6575 John7080 Fred5075 Brooke5585 Average 4859 S.D Pre 59 post S.D Effect Size of around 0.4 = approximately 1yr of learning
The Research John Hattie (Hattie, 2008) / Robert Marzano (Marzano,2003)Hattie, 2008 (Marzano,2003) Scientific Method: bell curve comparison Validity: (Hattie, 2011) (Hattie, 2011) o 800 meta-analyses o 50,000 Research Articles o 240,000,000 students Ranked by effective size o 0.5 = 1 grade boundary o 1.0 = 34% Gain (Marzano Research Laboratory)Marzano Research Laboratory
Learners’ Self-Belief Which Techniques Work? Classroom Management Teacher Subject Knowledge Providing Formative Evaluation Spaced Practice Reducing Class Size by 30% Making a learner re-take a year Setting Homework John Hattie (2011) The top 40:
Marzano & Hattie Hattie Marzano Impact of factors and experiences Impact of teaching strategies
Evidenced-Based Strategies Marzano, 2003
2 Questions 1.Name one thing you could do (or do more) to improve the performance of your students? 2.How much impact will that have? Text followed by your answer to: Set Homework EXAMPLE