Chapter 8
Opposing Ideologies REMINDER: Congress of Vienna - the meeting held to after Napoleon fell out of power from France where peace and order was tried to be establish in Europe after all the revolutions At the Congress of Vienna, European rulers wanted return to the life before 1789 (before the French Revolution) However, peoples ideologies (system of thought and belief) clashed.
ConservativesLiberalsNationalists Members Included: Monarchs and member of their govt, noble landowners, church leaders, peasants Business owners, bankers, lawyers, politicians, newspapers editors, writers People who believe in loyalty and devotion to their nation. Nationalist groups are those to share a common heritage. Goals: Restore royal families to power, continue existing social hierarchy, support an est. church Defend natural rights of individuals to liberty, equality, property, constitutional govt, separation powers, elected representation National groups wanted to establish their own nations. Fought Against: Natural rights, constitutional govt, freedom of press, rebellions Divine-right monarchy, old aristocracy, est. Churches Countries that ruled over them.
Liberals and nationalist were inspired by the American and French Revolution. They started revolutions that spread throughout Europe and Latin America.
Why did revolutions occur in France in 1830 and 1848? 1830 Charles X (absolutist) suspended the legislature, limited the right to vote and the press. Liberals and radicals rebelled and took control of Paris Moderate liberals want constitutional monarchy and chose Louis Philippe as king Govt tried to silence critics and stop public meets so, angry crowds took to the streets Louise Philippe abdicated. Revolutionary leaders proclaimed a Second Republic.
How did the Revolution of 1830 and 1848 spread? The revolts in Paris inspired uprising elsewhere in Europe. Although most revolts were suppress by military force, rebels did win some changes/reforms from conservative govts by the end of the century
Spanish Colonies’ Social Structure: Peninsulares European-born Creoles American-born descendant of European settlers Mulattos Mixed African & European Native American & Africans Mestizos Mixed Native American & European
What caused discontent in Latin America? By the late 1700s, the revolutionary fever that gripped Western Europe spread to Latin America. There, discontent was rooted in the social, racial and political system that had emerged during the 300 years of Spanish rule. Creoles resented their second-class status Mestizos and mulattos were angry at being denied the status, wealth, and power available to whites. Native Americans suffered economic misery under the Spanish. Enslaved Africans who worked on plantations longed for freedom.
Country fighting against: France Toussaint L’Ouverture: Former slave; led slaves to revolt in Background of Revolution/Significant Events: By 1798, enslaved Haitians are freed. In 1802, Napoleon sent an army to recapture Haiti but later agreed to a truce (temporary peace) In 1804 Haitians leaders declare independence. Haiti is the 1 st independent nation in Latin America
Country fighting against: Spain Father Miguel Hidalgo: Creole priest from Dolores; revolutionary leader Jose Morales: Mestizo priest; called for reform; revolutionary leader Agustin de Iturbide: Conservative Creole who became Emperor Agustin I of Mexico Background of Revolution/Significant Events: In Sept. 1810, Father Hidalgo gives “el Grito de Dolores” (the cry of Dolores) speech to urge Mexicans to fight for independence. Father Hidalgo along with Jose Morales, lead revolts and called for social change: end slavery, better conditions for Native Americans, male suffrage, etc. Both captured and executed. Agustin de Iturbide, who used to fight against revolutionaries, feared that the liberals in Spain would impose reforms in the Spanish-American colonies. In 1821, Iturbide reached out to revolutionists (Creole, Mestizos and Native Americans) and overthrow the Spanish viceroy. Mexico becomes independent, Iturbide becomes Emperor Agustin I and the Republic of Mexico is established. Father Miguel Hidalgo
Country fought against: Spain Agustin de Iturbide: Emperor Agustin I of Mexico Background of Revolution/Significant Events: Although most Central American land was free from Spanish-rule, Iturbide wanted to add the areas to his Mexican Empire Local leaders set up the United Provinces of Central America. The union soon fragmented into separate republics of Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, and Costa Rica.
Country fought against: Spain Tupac Amaru: Native American revolution leader who claimed descent from Incan king Background of Revolution/Significant Events: Tupac Amaru demanded the govt end the brutal system of forced Indian labor, but the Spanish rejected reforms. In 1780, Amaru organize a revolt. Rebels were crushed and Amaru was captured and killed. Spanish king ordered an investigation of forced labor and it was eventually abolished.
Country fought against: Spain Simon Bolivar: Venezuelan Creole, the “Liberator” Jose de San Marin: Argentinean Creole Background of Revolution/Significant Events: In 1810, Bolivar lead an uprising that est. Venezuela as a republic, but it quickly fell back into conservative control. Bolivar march army through Andes Mts. and attacked Spain at New Granada (Columbia). By 1821, Bolivar freed Caracas, Venezuela, now called the “Liberator” Bolivar & San Marin joined forces and moved south. San Marin defeated Spanish in Chile and Peru. By 1824, wars of independence was over. Gran Colombia split into 3 countries: Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador. Simon Bolivar
Country fought against: Portugal Dom Pedro: Portuguese Prince who becomes ruler of Brazil Background of Revolution/Significant Events: Portuguese royal family fled to Brazil when Napoleon conquered Portugal. Portuguese king introduced reforms but then returned back to Portugal, leaving his son, Dom Pedro, in charge. In 1822, Dom Pedro became the emperor of an independent Brazil and accepted a constitution. Brazil was a monarchy until 1889 when it became a republic. Dom Pedro, Emperor of Brazil