Focus 5/20 From the early 18th century to today there have been many prominent nationalists. Some early nationalists include Napoleon, Simon Boliver, Tousaint, and Otto von Bismarck. Later nationalists include Ho Chi Minh, Jomo Kenyatta, and Sun Yixian. Nationalism can unify a country, but it also is responsible for the destruction of empires like the Ottoman and Austria/Hungary. Objectives: Define the term nationalism and identify key nationalists. Analyze the impact of nationalism on global history.
Nationalism Feelings of nationalism were born out of the French Revolution and the conquests of Napoleon Feelings of nationalism were born out of the French Revolution and the conquests of Napoleon
Congress of Vienna Congress of Vienna 1815 Congress of Vienna Designed to create the following: - Return Europe to the way it was before Return Europe to the way it was before a lasting peace - a lasting peace - balance of power!!! - balance of power!!!
Nationalism in Italy Italian Nationalism Italian Nationalism - Giuseppe Mazzini – writings and speeches provide inspiration for nationalist movement - Camillo Cavour – used diplomacy and war to drive out Austria - Giusseppe Garibaldi – soldier who led “Red Shirts”
Nationalism in Germany Otto von Bismarck appointed chancellor of Prussia Otto von Bismarck appointed chancellor of Prussia Bismarck makes “Blood and Iron” speech Bismarck makes “Blood and Iron” speech Austro/Prussian War Austro/Prussian War Franco/Prussian War Franco/Prussian War Bismarck unites Germany Bismarck unites Germany
Jewish Nationalism Zionism – Jewish nationalism Zionism – Jewish nationalism Eventually leads to formation of a Jewish state in Palestine called Israel Eventually leads to formation of a Jewish state in Palestine called Israel
Nationalism in India Sepoy Mutiny – attempt to rid India of foreign influence Sepoy Mutiny – attempt to rid India of foreign influence Gandhi attempts to rid British through civil disobedience, boycotts, Salt March, and Homespun Movement Gandhi attempts to rid British through civil disobedience, boycotts, Salt March, and Homespun Movement
Nationalism in China Tiaping Rebellion, Boxer Rebellion, and Sun Yiaxten all attempted to rid China of foreign domination and influence Tiaping Rebellion, Boxer Rebellion, and Sun Yiaxten all attempted to rid China of foreign domination and influence
Nationalism in Vietnam Ho Chi Minh was a nationalist in Vietnam who eventually embraced communism. Ho Chi Minh was a nationalist in Vietnam who eventually embraced communism. Ho Chi Minh wanted to rid Europeans from Vietnam Ho Chi Minh wanted to rid Europeans from Vietnam
Independence Movements in Latin America
Latin Independent Movements in Latin America Toussaint L’ Ouverture from Haiti Toussaint L’ Ouverture from Haiti - Influenced by Enlightenment and American Revolution - Seeks independence for Haiti
Latin Independent Movements Simon Bolivar Simon Bolivar - Leads resistance movement against Spanish - Inspired by nationalism, Enlightenment, French and American Revolutions - Limited by Andes Mountains - Wins independence for Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia