The Necklace By Guy de Maupassant
Activity Open your text to page 26 Read the “Build Background” In the “occasion” box write what you have learned about 19th century Paris Look at the “Words to Know” box. Pick 2 of the words that you are not familiar with and define the words. Write the words and the definition directly in your composition book. You will be taking notes as we read and discuss. Assign #1- plot diagram and any notes Assign #2- SOAPSTone Handout
Read and Diagram Plot Read “The Necklace” and complete a plot diagram of the story’s structure
Thinking about the story On page 28, what is the central conflict that propels the story? Why is Mme. Loisel unhappy? Why does the invitation have the opposite effect of Mme. Loisel as her husband expected? Why does she choose the diamond necklace? On page 33, how is Mme. Loisel’s character developed based on her approach to the problem? What message is developed by the questions on page 33? What is an example of foreshadowing in the story?
Literary Term in Focus What literary term best describes the ending of the story? What is unexpected about Mme. Forestier’s admission? What might be Mme. Loisel’s reaction right after she finds out the necklace is a fake?
Critical Thinking How does Mme. Loisel change as a result of her experiences? Mme. Loisel pays dearly for jumping to the wrong conclusion. Do you think it ultimately ruins of saves her life? Explain your answer.
SOAPSTone SOAPSTone is an acronym for: subject, occasion, audience, purpose, speaker, tone You will use SOAPSTone to analyze all literature in class Get comfortable with SOAPSTone- you will see it a lot at DNHS
SOAPSTone Analysis Use “The Necklace” pages 27-34 to complete the SOAPSTone handout.