Health and Social Care Act 2008 Registration (CQC registration)
Background All NHS Organisations are legally required to apply for and obtain registration with the care quality commission from April NHS Trusts obtained partial registration last year following assessment against the hygiene code. The RNOH was provisionally registered with no conditions attached.
What are we registering? Both RNOH Stanmore and RNOH Bolsover require registering Stanmore requires registering to undertake surgical procedures and treatment of medical conditions Bolsover Street requires registration for treatment of medical conditions (no actual surgical procedures take place there
Who are we registering as our client base? We are registering to care for all ages and all client groups
What is the RNOHT declaring under the self assessment? The following regulations required a self assessment as either compliant or non compliant: Regulation 9: Care and welfare of service users Regulation 10: Assessing and monitoring the quality of service provision Regulation 11: Safeguarding service users from abuse Regulation 12: Cleanliness and infection control Regulation 13: Management of medicines Regulation 14: Meeting nutritional needs
Regulation 15: Safety and suitability of premises Regulation 16: Safety, availability and suitability of equipment Regulation 17: Respecting and involving service users Regulation 18: Consent to care and treatment Regulation 19: Complaints Regulation 20: Records Regulation 21: Requirements relating to workers Regulation 22: Staffing Regulation 23: Supporting workers Regulation 24: Cooperating with other providers
Assessment for the RNOH We are declaring compliance with all regulations for Bolsover Street We are declaring non compliance with regulation 15 safety and suitability of buildings as per assessments previously made under the core standard assessment