Joint programming Initiatives: The development of a SRA
What is Joint Programming? A new Member States-led initiative in Europe which aims to address “grand challenges” to EU society by coordinating national research programmes within the EU to increase the impact and effectiveness of research efforts. Source : Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and social committee and the Committee of the Regions toward Joint Programming in Research : Working together to tackle common challenges more effectively - COM(2008) 468 final, Brussels
Joint Programming - a definition European countries engaging voluntarily and on a variable geometry basis to tackle a major societal question in the definition, development and implementation of a common strategic research agenda based on a common vision on how to address major societal challenges.
JPI: key steps Selective topic Common vision Governance Best scientists Stakeholders Inventory of ongoing activities Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) It’s implementation (funding, variable geometry) It’s outcomes (social en economical benefits)
A Healthy Diet For A Healthy Life Leave medicines in the chemist’s pot if you can cure your patients with food. - Hippocrates –
The Vision In 2030 all Europeans have the motivation, ability and opportunity to consume a healthy diet from a variety of foods, have healthy levels of physical activity and the incidence of diet-related diseases will have decreased significantly.
Full operation of ERA: strong cooperation and collaboration in research National food and nutrition programmes; EU and regional funding Determinants of diet and physical activity Diet-related chronic diseases Identification of joint activities, improving research infrastructure, harmonising research standards, curricula, providing access to infrastructure, databases, cohort studies, … Diet and food production Safe and sustainable foods Healthier diets and reduced incidence of diet-related diseases Policy-making; effective communication and knowledge and technology transfer
Diet and physical activity Establish a European trans-disciplinary research network on determinants of dietary and physical activity behaviours and the relation with health and best practice implementation strategies for sustainable changes time-line Create pan-European programmes that utilize a prospective design and a comprehensive approach of diet and physical activity in real-life conditions to better understand how individual, social, environmental and policy factors interact to shape behaviours that promote the incidence of chronic diseases; use pilot and feasibility studies with different levels of complexity in interventions (including natural experiments) to determine the most effective ways of promoting a healthy lifestyle by also integrating social inequities Establish European Nutrition and Food Research Institute to improve scientific collaboration and communication across national borders and for a better integration of food, nutrition and health research throughout Europe. Provide a hub-like structure with academic research institutes in member and associated states and create a knowledge and education centre for knowledge transfer into various stakeholder groups (academia and industry) in EU member states and abroad (underdeveloped and developing countries). Strategic Research Agenda: priority list
Diet and food Set up a roadmap-initiative for biomarkers of nutrition and health; define research strategies and launch research activities that address the needs of consumers as well as industry towards measures on health claims and explore new methodologies or emerging biomarkers in consumer subgroups (target groups) or individuals at risk time-line Initiate research programmes (i.a. ERA-NETs) on comprehensive analyses of the metabolic fate of food constituents (nutrients and other bioactives, including microbiota effects) in human physiology with a strong emphasis on different population groups, including the elderly. Establish European Nutrition and Food Research Institute to improve scientific collaboration and communication across national borders and for a better integration of food, nutrition and health research throughout Europe. Provide a hub-like structure with academic research institutes in member and associated states and create a knowledge and education centre for knowledge transfer into various stakeholder groups (academia and industry) in EU member states and abroad (underdeveloped and developing countries). Strategic Research Agenda: priority list
Diet and disease Establish a European Nutrition Phenotype Assessment and Data Sharing Initiative providing a standardised framework for human intervention studies on food and health and their phenotypic outcomes with an open access reference database time-line Expand and foster existing prospective diet-related cohort studies, merge them into open access nutritional databases and initiate new pan-European prospective studies on the diet-health relationship with new markers of health as derived from comparative phenotype analysis Establish European Nutrition and Food Research Institute to improve scientific collaboration and communication across national borders and for a better integration of food, nutrition and health research throughout Europe. Provide a hub-like structure with academic research institutes in member and associated states and create a knowledge and education centre for knowledge transfer into various stakeholder groups (academia and industry) in EU member states and abroad (underdeveloped and developing countries).
Horizontal Issues Primary goal for 2020 and beyond: Full integration of the research areas Establish a European Nutrition and Food Research Institute to improve scientific collaboration provide a platform for harmonisation and standardisation in nutrition and food research and technology, provide a standardised infrastructure to support and perform large multi-centre nutritional interventions throughout Europe; provide a vital research environment stimulating innovation in nutrition and food science; provide a platform for continuous education for all stakeholders, including young researchers, experts in R&D from academia and industry
Joint Programming Initiative on Neurodegenerative disease
What are the goals? To tackle the challenge of Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases, the goals of the JPND Research Strategy are to To develop new treatments and preventive strategies To improve health and social care approaches To raise awareness and de-stigmatise Neurodegenerative disorders To alleviate the economic and social burden of these diseases
Scientific Animal models Biobanks Cohorts/registries Disease pathology Scientific Animal models Biobanks Cohorts/registries Disease pathology Social Health care delivery Home automation Health economics Ethics Social Health care delivery Home automation Health economics Ethics Medical Early diagnosis Prevention Clinical trials Medical Early diagnosis Prevention Clinical trials Focus on Three Domains Scope of JPND Diseases Targeted Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias Motor Neurone Disease Prion Disease Parkinson’s Disease & related disorders Huntington’s Disease Spinocerebellar Ataxia (SCA) Spinal Muscular atrophy (SMA)
JPND Research Strategy – what is it? A holistic ‘roadmap’ for future EU-wide activity and investment not a review of the field, not a list of calls for proposals Delivery takes into account; SAB recommendations based upon outputs from 4 scientific/strategic workshops National and European research portfolios Broad consultation with stakeholder groups
Delivering JPND Research Strategy 1. Mapping exercise of National and European programmes 2. Strategic prioritisation three thematic workshops (basic/clinical/healthcare) Stakeholder discussions fourth workshop to integrate outputs, incorporate stakeholder perspectives 3. Consultation exercise (website publication) 4. Delivery taking into account Outputs from scientific workshops Consultation Discussion at MB (to incorporate funder, political & policy considerations)