Week 4
Significance of Constitution Day: o On September 17, 1787, the delegates to the Constitutional Convention met in Philadelphia for the last time to sign the document they had created, the US Constitution. o Each year Constitution Day commemorates that event. In 2012, Constitution Day will be observed on Monday, September 17.
a document declaring the 13 American colonies independent of Great Britain written mainly by Thomas Jefferson adopted on July 4, 1776, by the Second Continental Congress
the written plan of government for the United States adopted in 1789
Bill of Rights – the first ten amendments (changes) to the U.S. Constitution which list basic rights and freedoms of Americans that the government cannot take away amend: to change
United Streaming “The Journey of the One and Only Declaration of Independence” See segment on “Writing the Official Copy” – 5:43 Guid/7F388FF1-8FF E69A9C78C0 Guid/7F388FF1-8FF E69A9C78C0 “TLC Elementary School: Understanding American Values” See segment on “Declaration of Independence” – 1:45 Guid/59E5E15F BDFD-2BA06B Guid/59E5E15F BDFD-2BA06B “Constitution” Guid/59E5E15F BDFD-2BA06B Guid/59E5E15F BDFD-2BA06B661174
Founding Fathers A group of well-educated men who led America in the early stages of her history They risked their lives for the freedom of Americans. They helped the 13 colonies win independence from England and become the United States of America. They helped write the United States Constitution and set up the government.
Thomas Jefferson
United Streaming “The Founding Fathers Sign the Declaration of Independence” – 4:04 (excellent video segment) iew/assetGuid/5AFC0CF3-FF48-47EE-B BDAC8520B
lived in New Jersey was an account manager for a corporation died at age 32 in the September 11, 2001 attacks on board United Airlines Flight 93 He is survived by his wife, two sons, and a daughter who was born four months after her father’s death.
World Trade Center had been attacked using hijacked airplanes. The pilot and co-pilot had been forced from the cockpit. Some of the plane’s passengers were planning to “jump on” the hijackers. Beamer’s last audible words were, “Are you guys ready? Let’s roll.” This phrase would later become the war cry for those fighting Al Qaeda in Afghanistan.
Some think that the passengers crashed the airplane in an attempt to save the lives of others on the ground 9/11 Commission’s findings (based on the “black box” cockpit recording) were that the passengers on Flight 93 did not cause the plane to crash intentionally. They burst into the cockpit and fought with the terrorists over the controls for the plane.
United Streaming “What It Means to Be an American” /assetGuid/FD2D9FA6-6F6B-42E0-A6BA- B00CB21AAD19 /assetGuid/FD2D9FA6-6F6B-42E0-A6BA- B00CB21AAD19
The Four Chaplains military and first responders U.S.A.T. Dorchester luxury coastal liner had been converted into an Army transport ship On February 3, at 12:55 a.m., a German submarine spotted the Dorchester and gave orders to fire the torpedoes chaplains represented four different religions: Methodist, Jewish, Roman Catholic, and Dutch Reformed Offered prayers for the dying and encouragement for those who would live The Distinguished Service Cross and Purple Heart were awarded posthumously December 19, 1944, to the next of kin
The Four Chaplains Rev. George L. Fox, Rabbi Alexander Goode, Rev. John Washington, Rev. Clark Poling (clockwise from top left)