Death and Dying By Cheryl Acuna James Drake Alison Lafferty
Reactions to Death Many have to cope with loss of a person they had a close relationship with (family or friend) When death is expected (a grandparent dies of old age), grieving time is usually shorter When death is sudden or unexpected (a child dies), grieving time is longer Everyone grieves and heals differently, and support groups have not been proven to heal people faster than any other coping method Facing death openly helps people complete life with a sense of meaning Life can be affirmed at death, especially if one has had a fulfilling life
5 Common Stages of Grief Denial: The world becomes meaningless & overwhelming. In a state of shock and denial. Anger: Feel deserted and abandoned. Bargaining: Become lost in a state of “What if…” and “If only…” statements. Depression: A great grief. The question of “Why go on?” Acceptance: Learning to live with the lost of a love, though may not be OK with the loss.
How Life Satisfaction Relates to Death of a Spouse Life Satisfaction
The Most Important Thing To Remember No two people have the same reaction to loss or death, but death can help affirm life No two people have the same reaction to loss or death, but death can help affirm life