The following slides show the 1891 census return for a variety of people. This was taken when they were 1 year old. From this you should be able to work out the origins of their life, but where their lives go from here (and ends up by 1930) is up to you. You may choose to include details of the other family members, but it is not necessary. Whatever you do: make sure it is realistic!
Road, Street and no. Name and surname of each person Relation- ship to head of the family Condition as to marriage Age last birthday Profession or occupation Employer or worker Working at home MF Home Farm, Church Lane Herbert Black HeadMarried42Farmerworker Florence Black WifeMarried38 Bert BlackSonsingle19Farm labourer worker Charles Black SonSingle16Farm labourer worker John BlackSonsingle14Farm labourer worker George Black sonsingle12Errand boyworker Florence Black daughtersingle8scholar Annie Blackdaughtersingle5 William Black SonSingle1none Edward Brooke Lodgersingle21Farm labourer worker
Road, Street and no. Name and surname of each person Relation- ship to head of the family Condition as to marriage Age last birthday Profession or occupation Employer or worker Working at home MF 157 Coronation Road Albert WhiteHeadMarried28Coal minerworker Mary WhiteWifeMarried27laundresshome Albert WhiteSonSingle7scholar Mary WhiteDaughterSingle4none Margaret White DaughterSingle1none
Road, Street and no. Name and surname of each person Relation- ship to head of the family Condition as to marriage Age last birthday Profession or occupation Employer or worker Working at home MF 45a Winthorpe Road Joseph Brown HeadMarried39GrocerEmployer Frances Brown WifeMarried41Shop assistant worker Elizabeth Brown DaughterSingle15Shop assistant worker Patrick Brown SonSingle14Shop boyworker Wilfred Brown sonsingle9scholar Margaret White DaughterSingle1none
Road, Street and no. Name and surname of each person Relation- ship to head of the family Condition as to marriage Age last birthday Profession or occupation Employer or worker Working at home MF 56 Slade Avenue Edmund Greening HeadMarried28Solicitorworker Alice Greening WifeMarried23 Emily Greening DaughterSingle1none Eileen Powell ServantSingle18Maid-of-all- work worker
Road, Street and no. Name and surname of each person Relation- ship to head of the family Condition as to marriage Age last birthday Profession or occupation Employer or worker Working at home MF Hill Top, Canterbury Street Oliver GreyHeadWidower45Bankerworker Oliver GreySonsingle17scholar Millicent GreyDaughterSingle15 Harriet GreyDaughterSingle12 James GreySonsingle10scholar Charlotte Grey DaughterSingle1none Annie WoodServantsingle44Housekeeperworker Constance Smith Servantsingle38Cookworker Lizzie O’Brian Servantsingle28Nannyworker Hilda HeathServantsingle19Scullery maidworker Jack HawkinsServantsingle16House boyworker
Road, Street and no. Name and surname of each person Relation- ship to head of the family Condition as to marriage Age last birthday Profession or occupation Employer or worker Working at home MF 349 Queen Street Robert Andrews Headmarried58Railway conductor worker Sarah Andrews WifeMarried54Shop assistant worker Victoria Redman Daughterwidow24seamstressHome worker Henry Redman GrandsonSingle1none