THE COLD WAR Please get out the “Restructuring the Postwar World” handout you were assigned to read for homework as well as your responses to the five questions as the end of the reading.
READING QUIZ Question One: What factors divided the United States and the Soviet Union?
READING QUIZ Question One: What factors divided the United States and the Soviet Union? Deep Economic & Political Differences Deep Economic & Political Differences Different Goals for Peace Different Goals for Peace US emphasized democracy, trade & reunification US emphasized democracy, trade & reunification USSR emphasized communism, personal economic development & division USSR emphasized communism, personal economic development & division
READING QUIZ Question Two: How did the two superpowers tangle in the Americas?
READING QUIZ Question Two: How did the two super powers tangle in the Americas? Cuba: US protested USSR missile placement on island; USSR eventually withdraws missiles Cuba: US protested USSR missile placement on island; USSR eventually withdraws missiles Nicaragua: US gave aid to rebels fighting a new communist government Nicaragua: US gave aid to rebels fighting a new communist government
READING QUIZ Question Three: Describe the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution.
READING QUIZ Question Three: Describe the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. Great Leap Forward Great Leap Forward Mao’s attempt to improve China’s economy Mao’s attempt to improve China’s economy Failed due to social resentment, poor planning, etc. Failed due to social resentment, poor planning, etc. Cultural Revolution Cultural Revolution Mao’s attempt to revive the people’s spirit Mao’s attempt to revive the people’s spirit Failed due to Red Guard’s actions Failed due to Red Guard’s actions
READING QUIZ Question Four: Why did the United States fight in Korea and Vietnam? What were the outcomes of these conflicts?
READING QUIZ Question Four: Why did the US fight in Korea and Vietnam? What were the outcomes of these conflicts? Korea Korea Communist North invaded South Communist North invaded South US sent troops to aid rebels in the South US sent troops to aid rebels in the South Vietnam Vietnam Communist North threatened South Vietcong Communist North threatened South Vietcong Unpopular in the States & withdrew troops Unpopular in the States & withdrew troops
READING QUIZ Question Five: How did the Soviet Union act towards Eastern Europe?
READING QUIZ Question Five: How did the Soviet Union act towards Eastern Europe? Used force throughout the 1950s-60s to put down movements that threatened their communist control Used force throughout the 1950s-60s to put down movements that threatened their communist control
READING QUIZ BONUS: Who was the first US president to visit Communist China and the USSR in an attempt to lessen tensions? BONUS: Due to his fierce anti-Communist beliefs, tensions rose once again between the superpowers under the leadership of which US president?
THE COLD WAR What is a cold war?
COLD WAR: a state of political aggression and military tension between two countries that involves propaganda, sabotage, threats, economic sanctions and other measures short of open warfare
THE COLD WAR But what makes this “war” so cold?
THE COLD WAR How did the Cold War affect schools and the students within?
THE COLD WAR The Federal Civil Defense Administration (FCDA) was set up in 1951 to educate – and reassure – the country that there were ways to survive an atomic attack from the Soviet Union.
THE COLD WAR During the Cold War, students were also required to wear dog tags so that bodies could be identified in the event of an attack. INFO. INCLUDED Full Name Parent Name Address Birthday
THE COLD WAR PRACTICE: when you hear the siren, duck and cover!
HOT or COLD: Events of the Cold War.
The images were published within the last decade. What do these political cartoons indicate about the current relationship between the United States and Russia? What do they imply about our futures?