What does it mean to “Give Beyond”? Giving Beyond means different things to different people. Some like the idea of giving beyond one person. Some like giving beyond just one church group. Some like giving beyond borders. And some want a legacy of giving beyond now. What does “giving beyond” mean to you?
First I obey God by giving my tithe to our church. My tithe joins tithes of others to fund the church budget. Together, our combined giving fuels our church to reach our community — our Jerusalem.
Our church partners with thousands of others across North Carolina to support missions and ministry statewide through the Cooperative Program. Together, we pray, start churches and train people to share Jesus in hundreds of NC towns. In some NC towns, 70% of the residents do not know Him!
As our church partners with 46,000+ Southern Baptist churches, our Cooperative Program dollars help send thousands of missionaries across North America to reach people for Christ and start urgently needed new churches. Together, we can reach our Judea, our nation, as Acts 1:8 tells us to do.
Our CP giving helps send our missionaries to the ends of the earth. Tragically, decreased giving through the Cooperative Program has forced nearly 1,000 Southern Baptist missionaries to come home! Together, we must increase CP giving now to reap the harvest of souls God is making possible. How many missionaries will be serving when our kids and grandkids take over missions support? We must give beyond our generation!
As North Carolina Baptists partner together with 41 other state conventions across the country, our giving enables us to partner together to fulfill the Great Commission. What’s in CP for my church? It’s how we’re obedient to the Bible’s missions instructions!
How Far Will You Give?