CHAPTER 15 SECTION 1 The New Immigrants
Immigrants Arrive ◦ The come for different reasons (escape difficult conditions, religious or political persecution, for a new start, rising populations) ◦ 20 mil Europeans from ◦ 300,000 Chinese from ◦ Come for gold, build the RR, farm, some started businesses ◦ Hawaii annexation lead to increase of Japanese immigrants, by ,000 live in the U.S. ◦ Mexicans immigrate as well to work new farmland
Ellis Island
Angel Island
The Immigration Process ◦ Europeans would come into Ellis Island ◦ Asians would come through Angel Island ◦ Went through inspections, physicals, interrogation ◦ Experience were different from each area ◦ They then have to find somewhere to live and get a job ◦ Many seek out those they can relate to (ex. China Town) ◦ They make their own schools, churches, communities, newspapers, etc.
Immigrant Restrictions ◦ Nativism: support of Americans over immigrants ◦ “Good Countries” British, Scandinavian, German, (progressive, energetic, free) ◦ “Bad Countries” Slav, Latin, Asiatic, (down trodden and stagnant” ◦ Literacy tests, had to be able to read at least 4o words in English or their own language (This legislation doesn’t pass but it shows how the public felt)
Immigrant Restrictions ◦ Chinese Exclusion Act ◦ There was fear labor would go to Chinese who would accept lower wages ◦ Act excluded all by teachers, students, merchants, tourists, and government officials ◦ Gentlemen's Agreement was between U.S. and Japan ◦ Japanese would not allow an influx of unskilled workers to come to the U.S.