Developing Provision Management to Improve Accountability and Outcomes Natalie Packer Summer 2014
Aims To develop further knowledge of Provision Management To understand how the process supports accountability To consider the most effective ways of managing provision in your school
Discuss… What is your understanding of Provision Management? Is Provision Management already happening in your school? If so, what does it involve?
What is Provision Management? A whole school process for identifying and overcoming potential barriers to learning. Provision Management focuses on the range of provision available across the school to meet the needs of all pupils.
Waves of Provision Model Wave 3 Additional highly personalised interventions Wave 2 Additional interventions to enable children to work at age related expectations or above Wave 1 Inclusive, high quality teaching (or QFT) for all 3.11 The key priority for all pupils must be good teaching and learning. Inclusive teaching is about meeting the needs of all and having high expectations for all.
1. Assess 2. Plan3. Do 4. Review High quality inclusive teaching (wave 1 - differentiation, wave 2 intervention) SEN Support in Schools: The Graduated Approach (Draft SEN Code of Practice, April 2014) Whole school processes for assessing, tracking and monitoring progress Not making expected progress 1. Draw on info from above, views of child / parent, external services. Assess against SEN criteria 2. Teacher, SENCO, parent, child agree interventions and support / expected outcomes. Record on school System / inform staff. 4. Impact assessment, along with views of parent / child used to review overall impact of support. Revise plan in light of outcomes. 3. Implement plan. Class / subject teacher remains responsible for working with child on a daily basis and assessing impact of plan. Progress means SEN support no longer required Starting Point
Plan strategically to meet needs of pupils Audit how well provision matches need and recognise gaps Allow planning of staffing and skills Provides overview of provision for others and demonstrate how support is deployed Inform parents, Ofsted and others about provision Evaluate the effectiveness of interventions on pupil outcomes Cost provision effectively and demonstrate accountability Benefits of Provision Management
The 6 Stage Model
Stage 1 : Auditing need 3 Other pupils who who are underachieving Pupils with special educational needs special educational needs and disabilities How effective is QFT for these pupils? Are they underachieving? Do they need additional provision? What are the needs of pupils at SA? Are pupils with SEN underachieving? Why are they underachieving? What makes them vulnerable? Do they need additional provision? Pupils with special educational needs special educational needs and disabilities Other pupils who who are underachieving Other potentially vulnerable pupils pupils e.g. FSM What are the needs of pupils at SA?
Consider: Outcomes of school’s own evaluation of current provision Findings from recent research e.g. –Toolkit of strategies to improve learning: Sutton Trust/EEF –Visible Learning, John Hattie –What works well for pupils with Literacy difficulties, Greg Brookes –DfE Y7 Literacy and numeracy catch-up premium guide –DISS Project / MASt, IOE Stage 2 : Reviewing what works for all pupils
A) Workforce: Who? (Teachers, TAs, mentors, peers, other) When? CPD? B) Budget: £ Base funding / Notional SEN budget £ High needs / Top up funding £ Funding for statements / EHC Plans £ Consider potential impact of Personal Budgets Stage 3 : Identifying Suitable Resources
Questions to consider Do you know how much money there is to spend on SEN provision in your school? Do you know how much money is currently being spent on SEN provision across the school / department? Do you know how much money is being spent on individual pupils with SEN? Do you know if this is providing value for money? Do you talk to SLT / your SEN governor about budget and value for money?
Types of Provision Map Stage 4 : Developing High Quality Provision TypeExample Overview maps Provision mapped by Waves Provision by year group / key stage Overview of termly / annual costs Pupil level maps Overall provision with all pupils listed Individual pupil maps (e.g. for pupils with statements / EHC plans)
Costing your provision map will enable you to: Work out how much additional provision costs Work out how much you spend on an individual or group of pupils Make a judgement on value for money Provide evidence for additional funding Provide evidence for statutory assessment Enable transparency e.g. with parents Costing the Provision Map
Example Costings Example Costings Example way to calculate the average hourly cost of TA: Use pay spines to find ‘mid-point’ or mean Add on-costs: 25% Weekly cost: divide by 38 Hourly cost: divide by 26 Cost per week: multiply by number of hours per week Divide by number of pupils, where applicable
Stage 5 : Ensuring Robust Assessment and Tracking Whole school assessment and tracking processes used for all pupils Additional, diagnostic assessment for showing small steps progress
M and E can be done through: Data analysis (attainment and progress) Lesson observations / learning walks Planning / work scrutiny Qualitative feedback from pupils, parents, staff and other stakeholders Stage 6 : Monitoring and Evaluating Impact 6
The 6 Stage Model
What are the implications for your school of what we have discussed? Implications: Identify Action Points
Ofsted: Provision Management Evidence Inspectors will want to see: Evidence that all teachers are taking responsibility for ensuring the progress of all pupils (including high quality teaching) Evidence of effective, evidence-based provision being used Evidence that the quality of provision is being monitored and evaluated regularly Evidence of the impact of provision on pupil outcomes Case studies of individual pupils (inc. a summary of provision and impact) Evidence that leadership / governors can demonstrate the provision is good value for money
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