Tuesday 27th April 2010RHS Level 2 Certificate in Gardening Mulches for Weed Control
Tuesday 27th April 2010RHS Level 2 Certificate in Gardening Mulches for Weed Control A covering placed upon the surface of the soil. Mulches can come in two forms organic or inorganic
Tuesday 27th April 2010RHS Level 2 Certificate in Gardening Mulches for Weed Control Organic –Rotted animal manure –Chopped straw –Spent mushroom compost –Spent brewery hops –Leafmoulds –Chipped bark and –Garden compost Inorganic –Pea gravel –Stone chippings –Black polythene (for weed suppression and moisture retention) – Mulch membranes (landscape fabric – mypex)
Tuesday 27th April 2010RHS Level 2 Certificate in Gardening Mulches for Weed Control Living mulches –These may be ornamental i.e. permanent plantings of ground cover plants (shrubs or perennials) –Green manures the practice of growing certain quick-maturing plants and subsequently digging them into the soil or removing and composting them –Grow them where the ground is to be left bare for a few months or more e.g. allotment or vegetable garden
Tuesday 27th April 2010RHS Level 2 Certificate in Gardening Applying Mulches for Weed Control 1.Wait until the soil has warmed up, and is well soaked/moist 2.Clear the ground of weeds 3.Add any soil improvers or fertilisers required 4.Level the ground 5.Apply the mulch within a few days of clearing the weeds
Tuesday 27th April 2010RHS Level 2 Certificate in Gardening Applying Mulches for Weed Control Tips Apply a thick layer of mulch that will settle to the required depth to be effective, 4-6 inches Do not mulch right up to plants; leave a few inches of bare ground around the stems or trunk Keep mulch topped up to maintain the required depth
Tuesday 27th April 2010RHS Level 2 Certificate in Gardening Mulch Membranes (landscape fabric – mypex) These can be used to clear weeds from open ground. Laid on the surface an weighted down preferably before the beginning of the growing season until late autumn. Black plastic or woven landscape fabric can be used to kill annual weeds and some perennial weeds e.g. couch grass If planting through a mulch membrane ensure it will allow water into the soil Membranes should be covered with a loose mulch, to keep them in place, extend their lifespan and improve their appearance.