Historical Milestones
People at this time knew that diseases could be passed from person to person and on clothing ◦ …but didn’t know what it was
Bacteria carried by fleas Plague killed million people in Europe Estimates: million worldwide died
An English Scientist viewed cells in cork Hooke – “coined” the word CELL
Dutch textile merchant made the first microscope He saw bacteria, fungi and some protozoa
Smallpox vaccine
Proved that anthrax is caused by bacteria Came up with Koch’s Postulates 1882 discovered the cause of TB = tuberculosis
German botanist Considered one of the founders of Microbiology Discovered Endospores
The English surgeon discovered the antiseptic method. In other words: Clean, Sterile = use antiseptics during surgery
French chemist and microbiologist Proved that microorganisms cause disease Discovered the rabies & anthrax vaccine Originated “Pasteurization”
◦ Discovered Penicillin
1940s – the electron microscope developed Post World War II – antibiotics introduced to medicine 1950s and 1960s – vaccines developed to control polio, measles, mumps, & rubella
Developed a method to sequence DNA ◦ Sanger & Gilbert Polymerase Chain Reaction = PCR ◦ Mullis First genome of microbe ◦ H. influenza
1973 – Biotechnology ◦ Insulin – the first genetically engineered drug 1980 – Present ◦ Genetically modified food ◦ Drugs ◦ Vaccines ◦ Stem Cell Research ◦ Nano-technology ◦ Personal Genome Sequencing = $99 (2013)