Claudia Drinnan
Typically from a broken home Sexual and physical abuse Antisocial Average/above average intelligence No remorse for what they have done Many serial killers torture animals at a young age
Adopted by Nat and Pearl Berkowitz Antisocial, hyperactive and known as a bully Big for his age and uncomfortable with his peers He was devastated when his mother died in 1967 (he was 13) This lead to a downward spiral for David
Prior to his murders, he set 1,488 fires in NYC which he kept track of in a diary 1975, the “demons” told him to try to kill a woman She ran away with six wounds from his hunting knife, and he went out for a burger and fries This was just the beginning for the “Son of Sam” He called himself “Son of Sam” in a letter to the police
David Berkowitz targeted women due to his hatred towards them Killed six women between 1976 and 1977 Alexander Esau Christine Freund Donna Lauria Stacy Moskowitz Valentina Suriani Virginia Voskerichian He wrote letters to the police which were released to the public after his capture
What the “Son of Sam” did is considered morally evil Evil is the intention or effect of causing harm or destruction He was classified as a paranoid schizophrenic by psychiatrists “Demons” told him to kill He killed to make them stop, but they would only go away for a short while
The “Son of Sam” was sentenced to 365 years of jail where he remains Sullivan Correctional Facility is where he was incarcerated He was caught due to careful police work A.44 caliber weapon was used on his victims
The victims were all females under the age of twenty The “demons” told him who to kill In addition to the women he killed, several other people were seriously injured
This case received a great deal of publicity Television, newspapers, radio The movie “Summer of Sam” depicts what went on during the case
berkowitz killers/notorious/berkowitz/9.html m.htm