Feedback Control, Cybernetics, and Robotics
What is a Robotic System? A robotic system—a device that can measure its own state and take action based on it.
History of Feedback Control Ancient China two-foot-long bamboo straw which automatically regulated wine consumption!
History of Feedback Control Greek water clock
History of Feedback Control Drebbel’s furnace
History of Feedback Control Bonnemain’s chickens
History of Feedback Control Windmills and fantails
History of Feedback Control Watt’s centrifugal flyball “Governor” The breakthrough in effectiveness and public recognition. Built on the windmill and water regulation principles. Huge impact on the Industrial Revolution
The Governor Applying a known principle to a new application
Control Engineering Closed-loop control Cruise control
Control Engineering WWII advances achieved out of need for survival Radar Guided missles Automatic pilots
Control Engineering Norden Bombsight Ending the war in both Europe and the Pacific
Soviet Union Sputnik 1957 International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) First meeting held in Moscow 1960
US Response The era of Modern Control begins with the Kalman Filter combining and filtering information from multiple sensor sources Highly accurate mathematic formula Navigation systems transformed
Modern Control Microprocessor 1969 Industrial process control Relies less on engineering intuition and more on internal system design
Classical vs. Modern Systems Linear time-invariant systems Design done graphically by hand Involves a great deal of intuition Design process is an engineering art An exact description of the internal system dynamics is needed A good knowledge of matrices and linear algebra is required