WP2.2.1 – Divisions of the world Bruxelles – 14 th October 2010 CNRS - UMR IDEES Clarisse Didelon
Objective of the WP Provide functionnal divisions of the world that can be used throughout the project Compare europe with other part of the world according to competitiveness, territorial cohesion and social cohesion
Methodology / Approaches Starting point : ESPON Europe in the world results Which spaces to compare ? Analyse some indicators to build a posteriori some world regions Build a priori world regions to compare Europe with Which indicators to compare ? The « Lisbon strategy » as a strating point to gather indocator covering the period (when possible).
The main problem of the WP2.2.1 We are supposed to provide a operational division of the world, useful for the project : partners need it quickly BUT This division of the world is also a result of the project and we need time to build it. One proposal to be discussed : Start to work on WUTS and do again some relevant parts of the analysis at the end of the project to compare the results between the two solutions.
Work done so far Reflexion on the indicators we could use in the framework of the Lisbon Strategy. Two main themes : Indicator of competitiveness : (population, wealth, telecommunication, research, labour market) Territorial and social cohesion indicators : (Health, Environment, Poverty and inequalities, Synthetic measures of territorial inequalites). Draft working paper on divisions of the world
Proposal for next report Analyse at the world level without division Harmonised database at world level Thematic atlas of « lisbon strategy indicators » at world level Europe and comparable regions Proposal of a priori comparable world regions Comparison between EU and the other chosen regions for simple indicators. Literature review on world regions and world divisions
Work plan proposal until the end of the project