3B =Dictators and War H-SS Discuss the human toll of the Depression, natural disasters, and unwise agricultural practices and their effects on the depopulation of rural regions and on political movements of the left and right, with particular attention to the Dust Bowl refugees and their social and economic impacts in California. H-SS Examine the origins of American involvement in the war, with an emphasis on the events that precipitated the attack on Pearl Harbor
Treaty of Versailles and Great Depression contributed to the rise of dictatorships in Europe and Asia. Italy-1919 Benito Mussolini founded Fascist Party. Fascism was aggressive nationalism. They believed: 1. Nation more important than the individual and the 2. Nation could become great by expanding its territory and building its military. 3. Fascists were Anti-Communist.
Hitler and the Brown Shirts
Joseph Stalin Adolph Hitler Benito Mussolini Hideki Tojo Soviet Union Germany Italy Japan
Soviet Union (Russia) Vladimir Lenin set up Communism-One party rule Joseph Stalin replaced Lenin began massive effort to industrialize the country millions of peasants who resisted were killed.
Germany- Political and Economic chaos led to rise of Nazi Party. Adolf Hitler wanted to unify all Germans under one government. He believe Germans were a “master race” destined to rule the world. He wanted to enslave E. Europeans and blamed Jews for world’s problems. Used Storm troopers to intimidate voters
Japan- Difficult economic times in Japan after WWI undermined country’s political system. Japanese officers and civilians wanted to seize territory to gain resources. In 1931 Japanese Army invaded Manchuria and military took control of Japan
Dictators Turn to Aggression Italy and Germany sought to expand like Japan in Manchuria. League of Nations weakened by U.S. not joining- no military power – all talk
Hitler sought to restore Germany’s strength and nullify provisions of Treaty of Versailles. He rebuilt German economy and enlarged the army, navy and air force in defiance of the Treaty of Versailles.
His goal was Lebensraum – living space for German people reclaimed the Saar region from French control 1936 Sent troops into Rhineland- League of Nations did nothing Italy- Mussolini invaded Ethiopia- its leader appealed to the League of Nations for help it did nothing.
Spanish Civil War broke out in 1936 lasted until Hitler and Mussolini sent military and economic aid to Nationalists led by General Francisco Franco. Tested new weapons and tactics- mini preview of WWII. U.S., Britain, France sat by and watched did not help Republican side-they lost Spain became fascist.
Appeasement - a policy of granting concessions to a potential enemy in the hope that it will maintain the peace. France and Britain pursued a policy of appeasement toward aggressive nations. Why? 1. World War I was horrible 2. Saw Soviet Union as a greater threat that Nazi Germany 3. U.S. not backing them
U.S. pursued a Good Neighbor policy in Latin America, it improved relations with U.S.S.R., no forceful actions against German, Italian, or Japanese aggression. U.S. focused on improving its economy. It pursued a policy of isolation.
Hitler took advantage of weakness and began to act: brought Austria into Reich, Austrians given no choice-called Anschluss Hitler wanted to take western part of Czechoslovakia that was largely German. Many thought conflict between Britain and France with German would result.
Munich Conference- Hitler meet with British leader Neville Chamberlain and French leader Edouard Daladier. In the Munich Pact -they appeased Hitler and gave him the Sudetenland for peace. Crowds cheered Chamberlain when he returned he said “We will have peace in our time.” Also, informed Hitler that this was his last concession any more aggression would mean war.
Appeasement Peace in our Time!