Collecting and keeping job output 4401 Thursday, May 3rd TWS Education + Training April 29-May 3, 2012 Hyatt Regency Austin Austin, Texas
Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS Output Management adjacency to Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS Output Mgt Output Archiving Remote spooling Validation and cross- reference File transfer mgt Restart and Cleanup
Output Archiving Remote spooling Validation and cross- reference File transfer mgt Restart and Cleanup Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS Output Mgt Centralized retrieval of job outputs Archive job outputs, transform data into customer reports Who does what?
Value of centralized job output retrieval Output Archiving Remote spooling Validation and cross- reference File transfer mgt Restart and Cleanup Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS Output Mgt Facilitate access to company data for analisys and auditing purposes Adherence to company standards Archiving products take inputs from JES
JES Spool is where the Job Outputs are written Output produced by any job/task Daily and Long Term Planning jobs with SYSOUT CLASS TWS z/OS Controller and Tracker started tasks that specify a SYSOUT Class message logs Centralized retrieval of job output in TWS z/OS TWS z/OS Controller TWS z/OS Tracker Agents JES SPOOL JOBB JOBA EQQM
Centralized retrieval of job output in TWS z/OS end-to-end TWS z/OS Controller TWS z/OS Tracker Agents Mainframe Distributed Distributed agents (FTA or z-centric) JES SPOOL JOBB JOBA EQQM JES Spool is where the Job Outputs are written Output produced by any job/task Daily and Long Term Planning jobs with SYSOUT CLASS TWS z/OS Controller and Tracker started tasks that specify a SYSOUT Class message logs SCRIPTB SCRIPTA What about FTA / z-centric job outputs?
Solutions covered in this presentation Utility to automatically retrieve FTA and z-centric job output (sending to JES) Automatic retrieval of ended-in-error job outputs (sending to JS) Automatic retrieval of all job outputs in the enterprise (sending to JES) A B C
FTA and zCentric job outputs retrieval utility TWS z/OS Controller TWS z/OS Tracker Agents Mainframe Distributed Distributed agents (FTA or z-centric) JES SPOOL SCRIPTB SCRIPTA Customized EQQUX007 exit PIFPIF 1.Retrieve job output 2.Build header and attach joblog 3.Submit a job with the same jobname as the original job A
TWS z/OS Controller TWS z/OS Tracker Agents Distributed agents (FTA or z-centric) JES SPOOL SCRIPTB SCRIPTA Customized EQQUX007 exit PIFPIF 1.Retrieve job output 2.Build header and attach joblog 3.Submit a job with the same jobname as the original job FTA and zCentric job outputs retrieval utility A Mainframe Distributed
Automatic retrieval of ended-in-error jobs TWS z/OS Controller TWS z/OS Tracker Agents Distributed agents (z-centric) JS FILE SCRIPTB SCRIPTA Introduced with TWS z/OS v8.6 Option to be activated through new parameters in RCLOPTS and HTTPOPTS E? YES NO B Mainframe Distributed
RCLOPTS JOBLOGRETRIEVALONERROR ONDEMAND RESTARTINFORETRIEVAL ONERROR ONDEMAND HTTPOPTS JOBLOGRETRIEVALONERROR ONDEMAND Change the default to automatically retrieve joblogs (or info for R&C) Change the default to automatically retrieve output of jobs running on z-centric or dynamic workstations Automatic retrieval of ended-in-error jobs B
The final solution Automate and control the entire collection process New Output Collector component to automatically retrieve z-centric job output 1 Retrieve the joblog from the agent (or the dynamic domain manager) 2 Build an header containing run time information for every joblog released in the z-centric environment 3 Send to the JES for output management tool to archive C
Just three steps to take advantage of it! Define Run “Create Sample Job JCL” panel (EQQJOBS Option 1) to prepare Output Collector environment: Sample started task procedure (EQQOUC ) Sample parameters (EQQOUCP) Sample to allocate new datasets (EQQPSC11) EQQOUCEV for Controller and Output Collector comunication EQQOUCKP job log request checkpoint Sample job log header template (EQQOUCH) C
Run EQQPCS11 to allocate new datasets Update Controller started task with DDNAME EQQOUCEV Set the following parameters HTTPOPTS OUTPUTCOLLECTOR YES JLOGHDRTEMPL member OPCOPTS OUCOPTS Activate Define Just three steps to take advantage of it! C
A joblog header template sample comes with the installation (EQQOUCH) You can edit it and copy into the member pointed out by JLOGHDRTEMPL parameter, selecting the variables considered useful or retaining them all Customize header Activate Define Just three steps to take advantage of it! C
The whole picture TWS z/OS Controller TWS z/OS Tracker Agents Mainframe Distributed Z-centric or dynamic agents JES SPOOL JOBB JOBA EQQM SCRIPTB SCRIPTA Output Collector C
Output collector and high availability TWS z/OS Controller TWS z/OS Tracker Agents Output Collector Sysplex environment Image 1 Image 2 TWS z/OS Standby Controller Define the OUTCOL keyword of OPCOPTS statement to specify the name of the Output collector started task to the controller. In a sysplex environment this enables the standby controller to continue the interaction with Output collector. C
Output collector deep dive TWS z/OS Controller TWS z/OS Tracker Agents Output Collector EQQOUCEV Event file JOBA Job completion produces an events in the event dataset Queue Manager Processes incoming requests Creates an entry in the checkpoint DS Log Retriever Dynamically allocates a DS with the DD name equal to the job name Gets the joblog header from the agent Write joblog + header to Removes the entry from the checkpoint Starts a number of parallel threads depending on user parameters HTTP and HTTPS destination can be refreshed with a command issued to the Output Collector C
REMINDER! Please complete the session evaluation card included in your registration envelope. Place the evaluation card in the basket on your way out of the session. TWS Education & Training April 29-May 3, 2012 Hyatt Regency Austin Austin, Texas