TECHNICAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT Technical Quality Management Co-funded by the Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Terrorism and other Security-related Risks Programme of the European Union Valencia, May, 9 th 2013 David Incertis Jarillo
Quality control procedures
Quality Control Manager: David Incertis Jarillo Project Manager – Safety and Security Issues FEPORTS
Quality control procedures Q Manager Under Task 1.2: Consortium Administration and Quality Control Deliverables: D1.1: Mid term and final reports D1.2: Quality Control Handbook Collaborators:
Quality control procedures Previous information for each activity/task: Description: Abstract, objectives, expected results Methodology: Guidelines, templates, software, tasks distribution, etc. Dates: Start and finish dates, time-line, deadlines Responsible: WP leader, collaborators, authors… Deliverables: Formats, level of distribution What?, How?, When, Who?
Quality control procedures Internal audits: Frequent checks of the state of implementation of activities, deadlines,… Control of documents, reports and deliverables Consideration of risks and assumptions Consideration and proposition of changes, adaptations, re-organization Frequent communication with WP leaders ( , skype, phone)
Quality control procedures Reporting: To the Technical Coordinator through formal communications To the Commission through the Mid-term and Final reports Discrepancies/disagreements/breaches: Three steps: Technical Coordinator Steering Committee Programme Commission
Document Quality Control 8
Document control Use of templates: Administrative: SC Agenda Attendance Sheet Delegation of Signatures Registration form Time-sheet Minutes Technical: General Document Others: Power Point Presentations Press releases Official CIPS Templates: Audit Certificate Mid term progress report Delegation of Signatures Final Technical Implementation Time-sheet Financial Identification Form Budget Execution
Document control Deliverable Id : Deliverable Name: Due date of deliverable : Actual submission date : Work Package : Organization name of lead contractor for this deliverable: Author(s): Partner(s) contributing : Document Identification table
Document control History table VersionDateModification reasonModified by
Document control Project Identification table Project Acronym CYSM European Programme Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Terrorism and other Security- related Risks Programme of the European Union Agreement nº HOME/2012/CIPS/AG/ Project Partners Feports (ES), Fundación Valenciaport (ES), University of Piraeus Research Centre (GR), Singular Logic (GR), Piraeus Port Authority (GR), Dipartimento di Ingegneria Navale, Elettrica, Elettronica e delle Telecomunicazioni-UNIGE (IT) Coordinator Name of institution Workpackage Code Deliverable nº Deliverable full title Dissemination level Public/Private/Restricted Deliverable format Publication date Month Year Publication status Number of version/draft/final… Authors Address Contact Name and Surname Tel. +XX XXXXXXX Project Official Site Project total budget Project Start date (duration) April, 16th 2013 (24 months)
Document control Important sections: Cover page Abstract Identification/history tables Index (contents): sections, tables and figures Appendices and annexes
Document control Co-funded by the Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Terrorism and other Security-related Risks Programme of the European Union “This Project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which made be made of the information contained therein” For any publication: For any deliverable:
Deliverables based on documents D2.1 Desk Research D2.2 Stakeholders Requirements D2.3 CYSM Approach and Methodologies Specification D2.4 CYSM System Architecture D3.1 Cyber and Physical Assets Modeling D3.2 Risk Management Models D5.3 Evaluation (Technical, Usability, Financial, Wider Impact) D5.4 Best Practices, Blueprints and Policy Development Guidelines
Deliverables Sharing and storage All the documents, reports, presentations, press releases and deliverables have to be uploaded in the project intranet: Pay attention to the version of document. Please, do not erase a version if you want to modify it, just update it with a new document!
Activities Implementation
Tasks to be implemented T3.3 CYSM Risk Assessment Toolkit T4.1 Port CIIs Security Management Functionalities T4.2 Management and Production of Document and Artifacts T4.3 Web2.0 Collaboration Functionalities T5.1 Integration of the Platform T5.2 Testing, Validation and Fine Tuning
Tasks to be implemented For testing and validation and other quality control procedures, EUROPHAR, the European Economic Interest Association committed to the environmental protection, safety and security at ports will act as consultant
Thank you David Incertis Jarillo Project Manager – Safety and Security Issues Co-funded by the Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Terrorism and other Security-related Risks Programme of the European Union