A Survey of Certificate Management Processes and Procedures in OSG Gabriel Ghinita and Mine Altunay
Goals Understand CA similarities/differences Request, renewal, re-key, revocation, vetting Policy and technical factors Improve usability Identify features that should be part of a desktop certificate management tool Assess the feasibility and attempt to define guidelines for development of such a tool 2
Methodology Sample of 10 CAs Counted CAs with 100+ users (grid-mapfile) Also included additional US-based CAs (NCSA) All but one (Fermilab) issue long-lived certs Process data collected from CPS Disclaimer: did not go through actual process of request, vetting, etc 3
CAs Surveyed Fermilab KCA DoEGrids CERN GridKA INFN UK e-Science Grid2-FR GridCanada IrisGrid NCSA 4
Identity Vetting Vast majority of CAs employ RAs RAs are separate entities Typical requirement: physical presence at RA Details vary with RA (type of documents, proof of token used at cert request time) Organization-level CA Badged users already vetted Organization account (plus some second “factor”) Fermilab (SLCS), CERN, NCSA 5
Certificate Request Case 1: partial client support web interface or GUI/command-line tool available organizational vetting: immediate issuance RA-based users need to figure out RA and the correct DN certificate retrieved later, using same machine and browser Case 2: almost no client support Users have to master openssl/grid-cert-request Even less support for getting the DN right Once users get the cert, plenty of work to import it into browsers, etc. 6
Certificate Re-key Most CAs accept re-key Almost none accept renewal or modification Some (e.g., organization-level CAs) just do a re-request Process: New CSR is issued, signed with both the new key as well as the old key (if existing cert still valid) Web interface to upload CSR, otherwise RAs only need to approve request (eligibility) 7
Certificate Revocation Most CAs accept on-line revocation Revocation request is authenticated (signed) with the key of the certificate to be revoked The revocation request is uploaded through a secure web interface (e.g., DoEGrids) or by 8
Shortcomings Need for technical expertise PKI is not a straightforward technology Difficulty in understanding/handling public/private key pair Need to import CA certificate to browser, etc Administrative details cumbersome How to set up the DN? Wrong DN setting delays application Certificate Usage: basic functionality not provided Import into/export from web browsers, clients, etc Ensure that key is stored encrypted 9
Objective: Improve Usability Tool to support multiple/most/all(!) CAs CA-related operations Request, rekey, revoke certificates Client-side operations Proxy generation Certificate store operations (MyProxy) Integration with client-side software Web browsers readers Grid tools 10
Existing Tools jGridstart (NIKHEF) Request, renewal, assists in vetting (generates forms) Import into web browser Export to file (PKCS#12) NGS Certificate Management Wizard Proxy generation (including voms-proxy) Upload proxy to credential store (MyProxy) Requires certificate in the filesystem (PKCS#12) 11
Recommendations CA-related Processes Technical process identical (X509) Parameters may differ, use config files (openssl. cnf already does this) Config files may be shipped with middleware (e.g., VDT) Identity attributes included in CSR very similar Name, Organization, Customize required input for vetting Use configuration files for form generation – not technically challenging Most difficult task: client-CA protocol Currently interactive web forms Extend to web services: hopefully re-use existing server-side code 12
Recommendations (2) Client Software Integration Web browsers: Mozilla already solved (e.g., Fermilab get-cert) Some difficulties with more exotic browsers – but CA-independent Proxy generation/proxy upload NGS tool already provides this Merging jGridstart and NGS Cert wizard represents a good start to comprehensive functionality Supporting organization-level vetting Some code already exists (kx509 at Fermi, NCSA scripts) This can represent an independent branch of the code Possibly interface with existing tools, without having to integrate within single application 13
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