McInnis Canyons National Conservation Area An opportunity for cooperative conservation with the National Landscape Conservation System
Overview Background Background Designation Significant Resources NCA Resource Management Plan NCA Resource Management Plan Adaptive Management Collaborative Process Implementation Priorities Current Operations Current Operations Current Funding Current Priorities Future Operations Future Operations Prospective Funding Anticipated Priorities Next Steps Next Steps
McInnis Canyons NCA is located 10 miles west of Grand Junction, Colorado. It encompasses 122,300 acres - 75,500 of wilderness.
Background Designation Designation - The McInnis Canyons NCA was officially designated on October 24, 2000 when the President signed the Colorado Canyons National Conservation Area and Black Ridge Canyons Wilderness Act of 2000 into law. The purpose of the Act is to conserve, protect, and enhance, for the benefit and enjoyment of both present and future generations, the nationally important values of the public lands.
Significant Resources Unique Recreational Opportunities Unique Recreational Opportunities - The landscape supports a diverse range of uses including activities such as boating on the Colorado River, big-game hunting, off-highway vehicle use in Rabbit Valley, sightseeing, wildlife photography, hiking, dispersed camping, horseback riding, and mountain bike riding on dramatic single-trail tracks such as the internationally renowned Kokopelli Trail! Spectacular Natural Resources Spectacular Natural Resources – With spectacular red rock canyons, natural arches, spires, and alcoves carved into the scenic Colorado Plateau, McInnis Canyons NCA is an aesthetic wonder. The diverse wildlife species such as desert bighorn sheet, bald eagles, and peregrine falcons enhance the natural beauty. Precious Heritage Resources Precious Heritage Resources - The NCA provides ample opportunity to explore the world of dinosaur fossils or to view centuries-old Native American rock art.
McInnis Canyons NCA Resource Management Plan Adaptive Management Adaptive Management - Firmly established in the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, planning is designed to project present and future land uses and identify management practices needed to achieve desired conditions, to address diverse uses, and to adapt to new information. Collaborative Process Collaborative Process – Planning emphasizes a collaborative environment, in which the BLM may work with local, State, and Tribal governments, the public, local user groups, and industry to identify appropriate multiple uses of the public lands to establish the balance between land use and resource protection. Implementation Priorities Implementation Priorities - Once the RMP process is complete, the McInnis Canyons NCA staff identifies priorities for implementation.
Current Operations Current Funding Current Funding Appropriations (base/flex) Contributions (partners, community, volunteers, in-kind or dollars) Other (fee demo; special recreation permits; etc.) Current Priorities Current Priorities Monitoring Maintain recreation facilities Enhance education & interpretation of heritage resources
Future Operations Anticipated Funding Anticipated Funding Appropriations (base/flex) Contributions (partners, community, volunteers, in-kind or dollars) Other (fee demo; special recreation permits; etc.) Identified Priorities Identified Priorities Monitoring Maintain recreation facilities Enhance education & interpretation of heritage resources
Historic Funding
Projected Funding
Priority Projects
Natural Resources Projects Priorities for FY ’06 Out-year priorities
Cultural/Heritage Resources Projects Priorities for FY ’06 Out-year priorities
Recreation Projects Priorities for FY ‘06 Out-year priorities
Forest & Forage Projects Priorities for FY ’06 Out-year priorities
Direct Community Services Projects Priorities for FY ’06 Out-year priorities
Next Steps Create a Sustainable Funding Strategy Create a Sustainable Funding Strategy Advance Cooperative Conservation Advance Cooperative Conservation Continue to update priority projects annually Continue to update priority projects annually
Next Steps Vision - Vision - The BLM aims to conserve, protect, and enhance the natural & cultural/heritage resources, while allowing multiple-use to continue in appropriate areas. With your cooperation & stewardship, achieving this vision will be possible! With your cooperation & stewardship, achieving this vision will be possible!