BY THE NUMBERS In February, NAHU received more than 452 press hits. In January, NAHU received more than 654 press hits. So far in 2016, NAHU has received 1,106 press hits. In 2015, NAHU received more than 7,300 press hits.
PRINT MEDIA IN FEBRUARY "While special enrollment periods are important for people who lose employer-sponsored coverage or have another qualifying event, such as having a baby or getting married, “it is critical for us to enforce the integrity of the Special Enrollment eligibility process so that it serves those consumers who are eligible for them, not those who want to wait to buy insurance until they're sick,” [Andy] Slavitt told the National Association of Health Underwriters. “Possessing over twelve years of experience, Robin [Carpenter]'s incomparable expertise in general insurance greatly assists her when she is working one on one with clients. Certified to assist those applying for insurance through Robin keeps up with the latest in new laws, policies and taxes. A member of the National Association of Health Underwriters and the National Association of Professional Women, Robin was recognized as a VIP Woman of The Year.” "The failures of single-payer healthcare: Predictions that Colorado’s proposed single-payer health care system will be “devastating” and “damage the economy” are spot on. A quick look at single-payer systems shows a nearly unbroken track record of poor care and high costs.” Byron G. McCurdy, Denver The writer of LTE is president of the Colorado Association of Health Underwriters. “If this issue isn’t addressed, we’re on a downward path to zero commissions,” said Michael Lujan, president of the California Association of Health Underwriters and a co-founder of Limelight Health in San Francisco. “There is a clear need for in-person assistance, and that is being threatened.” Emily Bremer [of NAHU], an insurance broker in Clayton, agrees: Consumers were, in fact, motivated by the tax penalty. "I had quite a few people say to me this year that having to pay the penalty in 2015 when they did their 2014 taxes was a bit of an eye- opener," she said. “Millennials can use health-insurance agents and brokers to find plans within their budgets. About half of the agents and brokers spend a lot of their time investigating coverage options for clients. They were also rated as the most helpful source of information among people who sought assistance enrolling in ACA exchange plans in Janet Trautwein, Washington, D.C. The writer of LTE is executive vice president and CEO of the National Association of Health Underwriters.
FEBRUARY UPDATE: SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN Since its launch in February, NAHU's new social media campaign has tremendously increased our social media presence, numbers and viewership on our Facebook and Twitter pages. We are excited to share February’s analytics indicating the campaign's great progress. February’s analytics Twitter: In February, your profile was visited 3,501 times -- an over 57 percent increase since January. NAHU gained 460 followers. NAHU’s tweets were seen on average 2,800 times per day -- an almost 60 percent increase over January's daily average. NAHU's tweets during the Capitol Conference were seen over 25,000 times. Six of NAHU's 10 most popular tweets for the month were about the Capitol Conference. Facebook: NAHU’s posts reach, on average, 1,393 unique individuals each day. NAHU’s posts were liked, on average, 26 reactions per day and were shared 14 times per day this month. NAHU's posts received 210 reactions over the three days of the Capitol Conference. Campaigns: Links to NAHU’s infographics have been clicked 398 times. Links to NAHU’s Capitol Conference page were clicked 150 times. *Key Terms: The engagement rate for a tweet is the number of users who clicked, favorited, shared, or replied to a tweet as a percentage of the number of users who saw the tweet. The engagement rate in the report is the average engagement rate for all of NAHU’s tweets in the given month. The reach on Facebook is the number of different people who see any of NAHU’s content -- whether in their newsfeed, on NAHU’s profile, or otherwise.
IMPORTANCE OF MEDIA COVERAGE We often send these clips to policymakers to alert them of the issues we are facing. The more high-profile media coverage we received, the more attention policymakers will pay to our issues. Media placement means an increased understanding of the issues in the public, both inside and outside the industry. Media attention increases NAHU name recognition and branding. We do not pay for our media placements. All coverage received by our members is free business promotion, which promotes NAHU members as subject-matter experts. Good information and solid sound bytes provided by an NAHU member means other reporters will want to use that member as a resource.